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If one wants to find an certified notary signing agent one can start by looking at the website of notaryrotary or 123 notary. There one can look for a certified notary signing agent in one's neighbourhoud.

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Q: Where does a notary signing agent work?
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What document does an Notary signing agent complete and sign?


Can a notary signing agent make changes to loan documents?

No ... they can only verify that the signatures are true and valid - nothing else.

What is a notary class?

A notary class is a course oriented to train someone to become a notary. A notary is someone who verifies the identity of someone signing an important document.

Can a Notary knowingly stamps a document knowing that the person is incoherent?

No. The whole purpose of the notary is to ensure that the person signing the document is competent and knows what they are signing. That is why a notary can not notarize a document unless the signer is in the physical presence of the notary. If a notary affixes his or her stamp to a document, knowing that the person is incoherent and does not understand the document, the notary is guilty of a felony in most states.

Does a notary have to ask for an Id FROM A PERSON BEFORE SIGNING A DEED?

A notary has to follow the rules required for their jurisdiction. In almost all of them, you have to verify the identity of the person signing in front of you. Then you can legally notarize their signature.

How can a notary notarize the signature of a person who lives out of the state?

A notary can notarize the signature if it is signed in front of them and done in the state where the notary is licensed. Where the signing person lives does not matter.

Are there any schools that teach you how to do a settlement closing?

Most Notary associations ie National Notary Association, American Notary Association, etc. have signing certification courses available, both online and live. These courses give you an overview of how to perform a real estate signing as a notary only. They are helpful in getting you familar with standard loan docs, etc. However, a Settlement Agent, (SA) does more than just notarizing closings when referred to in a title agency transaction. The SA receives funds, conducts the closing, disburses funds according to the Lender's Closing instruction or Sales agreement (if no lender involved), records the legal documents, etc. I don't know of a particular course offered that specifically addresses all functions of a Settlement Agent that is available to the general public. Most courses addressing SA are provided as Continuing Education courses (CE) directly by the Title Underwriters and some continuing education schools. If you are just looking to understand the signing process and work as a Notary signing agent, I'd suggest the Notary sites. Otherwise, you need to apprentice within a title agency to gain experience as full-fledged Settlement Agent since there is very specific criteria required by Federal, State, Local laws and the Title Underwriters and Title Agencies when handling other people's funds in trust.

What if a non notary closed a loan without a notary present but notary witnessed customes but not actually signing what legal ramifications can occur?

The job of the notary is to verify that the person signing a document is who they say they are. Some documents require that the notary see the actual signing and some merely require the notary to verify ID. The legal ramifications of an improper or invalid notarization are that the document can be challenged more easily in court, may be completely invalid without a proper notarization, the notary could be sued/fined/charged for improperly notarizing a document, the transaction may be declared void, and other bad things.

What is purpose of acknowledgement before a notary public in signing a deed?

To ensure that the person who is signing their name to the document ACTUALLY IS that person.

Who can witness a notary public transaction?

A witness to a notary public transaction is typically anyone who is not a party to the transaction and is of legal age and sound mind. The witness should be present to observe the signing of the document and be willing to attest to the fact that they witnessed the signing.

Can a notary sign and notarize a document if they have not witnessed the signatures of the signing party's?

Simple answer--NO!

How much money does a notary make?

Depends on the type of notary. If they are a realtor or banker they notarize in conjunction with these services. I am a notary and do not work with a company and didn't get the extra training to notarize real estate forms. That was an extra cost for training and another test. As it was I paid 600.00 for training, finger printing, bonding, and the state test. I can only charge 15.00 per signature when I do a notarization. I am not getting rich off of this and I will have to retake training and the test in 4 years.