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They live all over the world, not in one specific area.

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14y ago
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8y ago

cannibals were common in ancient eras. People killed others and ate them. The reasons may vary.

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14y ago

The canibals first make their captives fat by feeding them, then they have feast under a campfire.

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12y ago

Canibals could live anywhere but there was a big issue with a heard of them living in the woods of westchester new york, parssipany New Jersey, and new brunswick new jersey.

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9y ago

There are cannibals in nature such as preying mantis. There have been some groups of people that were cannibals but only a few odd individuals do this any more.

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13y ago

No cannibals in US

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Margaret Endicott

Lvl 1
1y ago
wrong. Many still worship Bale and sacrifice and eat people.

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