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Q: Where did the girls live that was killed by Jack the Ripper?
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Is the serial killer Jack the Ripper real?

Jack the Ripper really existed and killed a lot of women in London. No one knows who he was or why he killed. He really did live. Look him up at .

Does Jack The Ripper live on London Road?

Since nobody knows exactly who Jack The Ripper was it is very difficult to guess where he lived.

Is Jack the Ripper still alive?

* No-one ever knew who Jack the Ripper was * Jack the Ripper was never sent to jail * Jack the Ripper's crimes were committed in 1888. * That was 120 years ago. Now, ask your question again!

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Fish, seals, Jack the Ripper, seahorses. There might be more...

Did Jack the Ripper live the through Victorian times?

Yes he did. The Victorian era of British history was the period of Queen Victoria's reign from 20 June 1837 until her death, on 22 January 1901. Jack the ripper committed his crimes in 1888.

When was Live Ripper created?

Live Ripper was created on 1993-12-09.

Is Joseph Barnett Jack The Ripper?

Joseph Barnett as JTR suspect is flawed. The theory's biggest supporter it seems is Bruce Paley who published his thoughts in a book that was supposed to reveal the true Ripper. Unfortunatly, his theory makes little sense. In Paley's story Barnett, who was Mary Kelly's live in boyfriend was so enraged by her acts of prostitution that he killed a few 'working girls' to scare her off the streets. This is not a new angle. This is the same theory that was used when trying to explain why James Maybrick was JTR. Supposedly Maybrick was furious that his wife had a lover so he killed prostitutes to get even for her infidelity. These crimes were not committed by a jealous spouse. These crimes were not about revenge. For the same reasons that Ted Bundy killed, or the Green River Killer Gary Ridgeway, Jack The Ripper killed for his own satisfaction and sexual gratification. This killer had an extreme hatred of women. Anyone that knew Barnett or Maybrick for that matter, knew they were not 'women haters'. Although not much is known about Barnett by all accounts he seemed to be a regular kind of man, hard working when he could find work at all. He had at least some respect and affection for Kelly, since he continued to visit her and give her what money he could spare. If Barnett was going to kill someone out of jealousy it would have been the woman that Mary Kelly had been sharing her bed with, which is the reason Barnett left Kelly in the first place. In conclusion, it would be wise for anyone tempted to write a Ripper book to have at least some understanding of sexual serial murder and the type of men that carry out these kinds of crimes.

Were there any changes in Whitechapel after the Jack the Ripper murders?

Reform did come to Whitechapel as a result of the brutal crimes of Jack the Ripper. Many of the sub-standard buildings were torn down or refurbished. Unfortunately, rents also increased, making affordable housing a strain for those with inadequate salaries. It would not be until the turn of the 20th century that London's east end began to look even remotely prosperous. Streets were cleaner with updated sewage systems, crowding was relieved, running water within rental buildings and houses made it much easier to live cleanly. The Whitechapel area of today is hardly recognizable as the same streets the Ripper used as his hunting grounds.

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In Harry Potter the Basilisk lives in the drain pipes that enter out into the girls bathroom. This bathroom is inhabited by Moaning Myrtle who was killed by the Basilisk.

What part of Bingley did Yorkshire Ripper live?

Last time I read about this person I remember read that he was from Playing Fields.

What's the number of the list of patients Jack Kevorkian helped die?

If you are asking how many people he helped commit suicide, that would be hard to determine. It is possible he helped people who did not wish it to be known; However, on record he killed 130 patients Jack Kevorkian killed, but to better be known as, he helped people that were suffering and didnt want to live on their own will.

Is Jack lauderdale's live?

Jack Lauderdale is not the name of a live person. Jack Lauderdale is the name of a character. Jack Lauderdale is a character in the movie, Ray that was released in the year of 2004.