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The Bosnian genocide took place in Bosnia.

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago

the bosnian war took place in bosnia

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βˆ™ 15y ago

In Bosnia

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Q: Where did the Bosnian genocide take place?
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Which nation faced genocide in 1994?

This was when the Rwanda Genocide took place (in Rwanda). This was also a year during the Bosnian War (1991-1995), when there was ethnic cleansing of the Bosnian Bosniak and Croat population by the Bosnian Serb population.

What groups involved in the Bosnian genocide?

The Bosnian Genocide refers to either genocide at Srebrenica and Zepa and both of those were perpetrated by Bosnian Serbs in the Army of Republika Srpska led by General Ratko Mladic.

Who were the rescuers in the Bosnian genocide?

Hannah Decosola was

What ended bosnian genocide?

Dayton agreement.

Who were the perpetrators of the Bosnian genocide?

The term Bosnian Genocide refers to the genocides at Srebrenica and Zepa committed by Bosnian Serb (Republika Srpska) forces in 1995 or the wider ethnic cleansing campaign throughout areas controlled by them that took place during the Bosnian War of 1992-1995.

What aid was given to the Bosnian genocide?

actual AIDS

Did rwanda and israel help in the Bosnian Genocide?

Humanitarian supply

What year did the genocide take place?

Which genocide? if you're talking about the holocaust, it took place in the 1940s

What year did the Bosnian war take place?


How many years did the bosnian genocide last?

1992-1995 Three Years

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How long was the Bosnian genocide?

Bosnian Genocide is used to refer either to the genocide committed by Bosnian Serb forces in Srebrenica in 1995, or to ethnic cleansing that took place during the 1992-1995 Bosnian War. Elections in 1990 brought nationalists to power in Croatia and Slovenia, which, together with Macedonia, declared independence in 1991 and were all recognised internationally. Alija Izetbegovic, the leader of Bosnia's multi-ethnic government, called for independence for Bosnia, too; it was recognised as independent by the USA and the EU in 1992. Bosnia was the victim of one group's determined wish for political domination, which it was prepared to achieve by isolating ethnic groups and if necessary exterminating them.