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Once you have paid off the loan to the seller, or the seller's estate or heirs, they should give you a lien release.

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Q: Where can you find a release of lien for an owner financed property and being that the owner's have died?
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Can you file a lien on a property you are renting?

No, because it's not being financed for ownership... you still own it and continue to own it, so there's no basis for filing a lien.

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Property cannot be sold or transferred without there being a clear title. If the owner/seller has lost or misplaced the general warranty deed and the lien release, it is a fairly simple matter to obtain copies. Contacting property recorder's or assessor's office in the county where the property is located will obtain the desired information.

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Typically, if the back taxes are paid by anyone before the tax sale, ownership of the property does not change. If there was a written agreement between the owners and the person who paid the taxes that stated that the owners agreed to deed the property to the tax-payer after the tax-payer paid the taxes, then the agreement could be enforced as a legally binding contract and the owners could be forced to deed the property to the tax-payer. However, the owners remain the owners until they deed the property to someone else or until the property is sold at a tax sale or other type of foreclosure.

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Can timeshares be financed?

Certainly timeshares can be financed; the companies which sell them do it all the time. On the other hand, finding a lending institution, such as a bank, or some other lending institutition to finance the timeshare is sort of like trying to find a bank to finance a piece of real estate on the Moon. Timeshares are profoundly illiquid. Purchasing a timeshare interst is easy; selling it is much more difficult. Getting some company other than the company which originally sold it to the buyer to finance the purchase is really difficult. (Obviously, the paper can be transfered to another company which basically collectes for the probable original vendor.) There are rare cases where timeshares are being financed. Usually, owners look for lending institutions to financed their timeshares. Yes, it can be financed. Some owners go to banks if they have a good credit history.

How does a person holding reserved rights in property extinguish their rights or interest?

A person who reserved any rights in a property can release those rights by recording a release in the land records that specifically mentions the rights being released and the document where they were reserved. This release should be signed and notarized.A person who reserved any rights in a property can release those rights by recording a release in the land records that specifically mentions the rights being released and the document where they were reserved. This release should be signed and notarized.A person who reserved any rights in a property can release those rights by recording a release in the land records that specifically mentions the rights being released and the document where they were reserved. This release should be signed and notarized.A person who reserved any rights in a property can release those rights by recording a release in the land records that specifically mentions the rights being released and the document where they were reserved. This release should be signed and notarized.

Does home owner insurance cover damage to property that falls from a trailer being towed?

The property is covered by the owners insurance only. If your trailer hit their property, their own insurance must cover it. If your trailer hits your own building, then your insurance will cover it.

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No. The car must have coverage to have its physical damage fixed.

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Capitalism is a political or economic system that a country's industry or trade is being controlled by private owners for property. Capitalism has continued throughout history.

Does the state or local school district have ultimate legal control over the dispostion and use of public school property?

That depends entirely on how the property came into being. Generally speaking the local school district (normally) owns the property and decides what to do with it; unless of course this property was bought, leased, or financed through the state which would mean the state owns at least some interest in the property and maybe able to overrule the school district in some cases.