One can find the US trademark symbol from the USPTO's Trademark Electronic Search System (TESS) database for free. One alternative you can do is to hire an attorney to make the search for you.
One can find an attorney's office in the US from: Justice Government website, American Bar, Find Legal Services, USCIS Government, South Carolina Attorney General, Department of Labour.
There really is no number one attorney in America. There are listings of the top ten attorney's in the USA. To find a good local attorney, you should reference your Yellow Pages.
"You can find a local U.S. attorney all over the United States. You can go to the U.S. Departmet of Justice to locate an attorney near you. In order to help with a specific state or location, the state you are in is required."
One can find a tutorial on US tax free investing on financial websites, including Investopedia and ETF Tax Tutorial. One can also view US tax free investing tutorial videos on streaming websites such as Vimeo and YouTube.
There are many law attorney's available for hire in the United States. Some examples of places one could hire a law attorney are through websites like Lawyers, All Law, and Find Law.
There are many websites dedicated to helping people find military attorneys. Some include Military Advocates, Military Lawyers, and US Military Attorney. Your local court may also help you find military attorneys.
Bill Sali
This is a matter for an attorney, did your father have one? If he did, the attorney will have a copy of the will, if you do not know, go to your nearest city hall, and find out where the will is filed, hire your own attorney and let this lawyer handle it from there. Good luck to you and your family.
They are somehow under the US Attorney General. I just know that the US Attorney General is the head of the US Department of Justice.
One can find more information about US Airway's phone number from: Get Humans, Airline Toll Free, US Airways, Contact Help Page, Scott Kelby, US Airways Vacation.
The US government process is free of charge, but if you hire an attorney to assist you, you will have to discuss their fee with them.