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Usually comparing brings about similarities. Contrasting brings differences.

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Q: When you compare do you find similarities or differences?
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What does campare and contrast mean?

Compare means to identify similarities between two or more things, while contrast means to identify differences between them. When you compare and contrast, you are examining both the similarities and differences in order to highlight key distinctions.

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The term is "contrast" when items are observed or defined by their differences. The word "compare" is used for observed similarities, or more generally for both similarities and differences.

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What does compair and contrast mean?

"Compare" means to identify similarities between two or more things, while "contrast" means to identify differences. When you are asked to compare and contrast, you are being prompted to discuss both the similarities and differences between the subjects in question.

How do you compare and contrast you take two or more things and you tell the differences and similarities of those things you picked. Such as cars and motorcyclesyou sit in cars and ride onmotorcyles?

No, contrasting is to find the differences of two things

Can you tell me what similarities and differences there are netween the Blackberry Curve 8530 and the Blackberry Curve 5760i?

CNet's phone reviews has a feature to compare phones. Find one of the phones on the website, then click the tab "Compare", and use it to find the other phone.

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No. Compare means to look at the similarities, and contrast means to look at the differences.