Jodi Arias's birth name is Jodi Ann Arias.
Jodi Arias was from Salinas, California.
Jodi Arias is 5'6".
Jodi Arias was convicted for the first degree murder of her boyfriend in Mesa, Arizona.
Some Hispanics are Caucasians and indeed Jodi Arias has Hispanic blood but she is Caucasian.
It has been said that Jodi Arias was attacked by her ex-boyfriend. It has also been said that Jodi Arias has a borderline personality disorder and that it may have played a factor in her plead of self-defense.
Snapped - 2004 Jodi Arias was released on: USA: 15 December 2013
Jodi Arias' testimony is so discerning as there is some ambiguity in regards to the case that took place. The case trial is against Jodi Arias who was accused of the death of her boyfriend Travis Alexander.
She was found guilty of first-degree murder on May 8, 2013 and she got life behind bars.
Arias had public defenders, they are paid by taxpayers.
Arias was found guilty of first degree murder.