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To my knowledge as of May 2010, there is no "law" drafted or passed that states you cannot have an operation if you smoke cigarettes or cigars. However, surgeons are extremely reluctant to operate on a person who smokes because smoking has direct effects on the circulatory system. Nicotine constricts blood vessels, making blood flow and oxygen saturation harder to maintain. Because of decreased blood flow and decreased oxygenation, post-op patients who smoke have a harder time healing. As well, smoking "thickens" the blood and in narrowed veins, the blood becomes "stickier" so it is more prone to collect along the vein walls and then produce a blood clot (thrombosis). One clot (thombosis) or more (thombi) can break off from the vein wall and the clot can then travel to the heart, lungs, or brain as an embolism. Thrombosis and ambolism can be life-threatening. Additionally, plastic surgeons working on the face, nose, or neck (especially those areas) will refuse to do surgery because in smokers "non-healing" can occur quite frequently. Some surgeons will make patients have blood tests for nicotine--to prove the smoking has stopped--before scheduling a surgery date.

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Q: When was there a law passed that you can't have an operation if you smoke?
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