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On June 21, 1943 the Supreme Court of the United States held the broad claims of Guglielmo Marconi's patent for improvements in apparatus for wireless telegraphy to be invalid. The books don't mention that the powerful spark transmitters used by Marconi were Tesla coils, nor do they point out that Marconi's central radio patents were later struck down because of Tesla's prior art. The Physics was awarded to Marconi for radio in 1909. It was a mistake. As early as 1892, Nikola Tesla created a basic design for radio.

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Q: When was radio patented?
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What day was the radio patented?

Radio Patented - June 2, 1896

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Did Thomas Edison patent the radio?

No. Edison had nothing to do with radio. Marconi patented the spark radio-telegraph.

What year was the radio patented?

Alexandr Popov in 1894.

Who patented the first wireless radio?

Gugliemo Marconi

Who made the radio and when was it made?

Guglielmo Marconi is credited with the invention of the radio in the late 19th century. He successfully transmitted radio signals across the Atlantic Ocean in 1901, marking a significant milestone in the development of wireless communication.

When did radio first start?

Guillermo Marconi patented the idea for a radio device in 1895. He made a workable radio shortly after. It was decades, however, before they became popular.

When did Nikcola Telsa invent the radio?

As early as 1892, Nikola Tesla created a basic design for radio. On November 8, 1898 he patented a radio controlled robot-boat. Tesla used this boat which was controlled by radio waves in the Electrical Exhibition in 1898, Madison Square Garden.

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The U.S army coined this word as an acronym for "Radio detection and ranging" in the year 1940, however, it was patented in Britain in 1935 itself.

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