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This varies from state to state, and whether or not the school is a state school or a private school.

  • Legislation to ban corporal punishment in all state schools was introduced in New South Wales in 1990, and this extended to private schools in 1997.
  • It was banned in the ACT in 1997, and although the legislation states it is banned in "all schools", it does not explicitly include private schools.
  • Tasmania banned corporal punishment in both public and private schools in 1999.
  • Victoria first banned corporal punishment in public schools in 1989, and this extended to non-government schools in 2006.
  • Queensland banned corporal punishment in state schools in 1995, but it is still legal in private schools.
  • Corporal punishment in government schools in South Australia ended in 1991, but there are still moves to ban it in non-government schools. Interestingly, the legislation covering corporal punishment in both SA and Qld state schools is not actually legally binding, according to a paper published in May 2010.
  • Western Australia abolished corporal punishment in state schools in 1999, but this does not extend to students in private schools.
  • Corporal punishment is not explicitly banned in the Northern Territory, but there are moves in this direction.
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15y ago

In UK; 1986 in state schools and 1988 in private schools. However, parental corporal punishment is still allowed, except in Scotland. Corporal punishment has not been abolished in the United States. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, between 1 and 2 million students are paddled each year in US Schools. Most states have limitations, such as that there must be a witness, and that students may be struck only with wooden paddles of certain widths. Each private school makes its own decision about corporal punishment. When I was in Catholic school in the 80s, paddling was still very common and was sometimes administered to an entire class or group for general misbehavior.

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13y ago

Corporal punishment at home to minors is still allowed in the entire US and is actually approved, according to a survey in 2000. Corporal punishment in schools is still allowed in 20 states(all of the South and some parts of the SW, Central, and NW US).

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1988 in private schools and in 1986 in state schools only in the UK

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The correct spelling is corporal, as in the rank of corporal and corporal punishment.

How many states use corporal punishment?

None of the states are allowed to use corporal punishment as criminal sentences. Corporal punishment in schools, however is still legal in 20 states. And domestic corporal punishment is legal in every state.

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In most states, corporal punishment is not allowed.

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Corporal Punishment - Blackadder - was created on 1989-10-05.

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No. At least according to Mexican laws, corporal punishment is illegal.

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No. The Constitutional Court ruled in 1995 that corporal punishment was unconstitutional.

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Since 2005, corporal punishment has been illegal in Thailand.

Do they use corporal punishment in schools in Australia?

Australian state schools (public schools) do not use corporal punishment. A tiny number of independent schools still use corporal punishment, with the agreement of the parents.

Was spanking in school called capital or corporal punishment?

It is called corporal punishment. Capital punishment is execution. That would be a little harsh for bad students

Can you give me a sentence for the word corporal punishment?

Almost all cultures have used corporal punishment in childrearing.A simple paddling was never thought of as "corporal punishment", but necessary discipline.Some schools now must have parental permission for a principal to use corporal punishment.Administered within reason, no one ever died from corporal punishment.Corporal punishment done to extremes becomes abuse.