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The Constitution originally consisted of a Preamble and seven Articles. It was drafted over a few months in the summer of 1787.

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The US Constitution was written between May 25 and September 17, 1787.

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Q: When was article 1 of the constitution written?
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When was article 1 section 8 of the Constitution written?

Article One, Section 8 of the United States Constitution was written in 1787. This section outlines the powers that are given to the U.S. Congress.

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Article 1, Section 8

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Article 1 of the constitution defines the legislative branch.

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Article 7 of the Constitution was written to state that nine of the thirteen states had to ratify, or approve, the Constitution before it could go into effect.

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That would be article 1

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Article 1 of the United States Constitution sets up the legislative branch of the government, which is the United States Congress. It is a bicameral legislature made up of the House of Representatives and the Senate.

Which article are the powers of the congress listed in?

Congress' powers are listed in Article one of the Constitution. Specific powers are enumerated in section eight. Congress has expressed powers that are written in the Constitution and implied powers that are not expressed.

What was the Constitution written in 1787 called?

The article of confederation

Article in the Constitution that sets up the Legislature?

Article 1

What was written in the us constitution article 1 section 10?

to permit states to form agreements with one another

Why is article 1 the longest article of the constitution?

Article 1 is the longest article of the Constitution because it is the most important. This is what the U.S. government is a lot about: the Congress. The Congress has nearly all powers and to list them all, Article 1 has to quite long.