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Q: When the company tries to avoid legal obligations?
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He is a peacemaker; he tries to avoid conflict.

What if he tries to avoid talking things out?

it depends on what he is avoding about talking about.

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malingerer- a person who pretends to be ill so as to avoid work

Can a mother with joint custody give child to somebody else other than father?

No. If she tries then the father should immediately seek full legal and physical custody of his child.No. If she tries then the father should immediately seek full legal and physical custody of his child.No. If she tries then the father should immediately seek full legal and physical custody of his child.No. If she tries then the father should immediately seek full legal and physical custody of his child.

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It means that they really want to get close to you, but is to shy either that or he or she changed her mind.

When a company tries to sell you products related to your obvious intrests you know?

That company has your information

What do you do if your boss tries to feel you up?

You need to report it to your personnel or human resources manager. If you don't have one, report it to someone above your boss. If nothing is done about it, you can take legal action against your company.

What is noticing?

Business notice is a formal writing whose main purpose is to communicate the message to the desired audience. Example: If X company tries to defame Y company, than Y company will send a business notice to the X company as a warning. If X company will not stop the defaming actions, than Y company will be all set in a position to send a legal notice to the X.

How do you tell someone does not like you?

If they ignore you, avoid you, never answer your calls, always tries to get away from you.

Who is scared of you?

some one that doesn't hang withu or tries 2 avoid u

Who is the promoter of company?

The promoter of a company is the one who tries to get people to go there. This could be to buy products.

When a company tries to sell you products related to your obvious interest you know?

that company has your information apex