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Q: When the President nominates an individual to serve as Secretary of State the Senate must confirm the appointment. Which constitutional principle does this illustrate?
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poooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooopThe Judicial branch of government approves appointment of judges.

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If a key senator has invoked senatorial courtesy against an appointment, traditionally the president would respect this objection out of deference to the senator. The president may choose to nominate a different individual for the position to avoid conflict and uphold the practice of senatorial courtesy. Failure to do so could lead to opposition and conflict within the Senate, affecting the president's ability to get the appointment confirmed.

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What is a constitutional check on the president's powers?

The Congress and the Supreme Court provide a constitutional check on the President's powers

Is a constitutional check on the president's power?

The Congress and the Supreme Court provide a constitutional check on the President's powers

What a constitutional check on the president's powers?

The Congress and the Supreme Court provide a constitutional check on the President's powers

Who appoints the justice and who must approve them?

Article III (constitutional) federal judges are appointed by the President with the "advice and consent" of the Senate. A simple majority of the Senate (51% of those present) must vote to approve the President's nomination in order to complete the appointment.

Who was the president of the constitutional convetion?

George Washington was the president.

Is it constitutional that the president and vice president are elected together?

I found your question somewhat confusing, but I think "yes" is the answer. What is constitutional is that the same electors vote for president and vice-president.

How can Republicans stop the President's appointment on the Senate floor?

Republicans do not have a majority in the Senate; however, they can stop an appointment by President Obama by filibuster.

Why is the appointment of vice president as cabinet member does not need confirmation by the commission on appointment?

The vice-president is elected by the electoral college. He is not appointed by the President and so does not need confirmation by the Senate.