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New federalism

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Q: When state local and federal governments share responsibility it is called?
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When the federal government passes authority to administer a program down to state or local governments what is it called?

When the federal government passes authority to administer a program down to state or local governments, it is called

Reagan called his plan for giving more responsibility to state and local governments the?

New Federalism

Who has the authority to create school?

The state government has the authority to create schools.

Is printing money a responsibility of the local governments?

no. it is the responsibility of the Treasury Department

Which action is a civic obligation not just a civic responsibility?

serving on a jury when summoned by the court paying all taxes required by your local, state, and federal governments

The general term for federal money or resources granted to states or local government is?

The general term for federal money given to states or local governments are called grants. These monies may also be given to private corporations in the event of a bailout.

Which level of government should take the lead in addressing the problems facing this nation the federal government or state and local government Why?

It depends on who the problem is affecting. If it is affecting only a small area of people in a single state, it is the responsibility of the state governments. They may chose to defer this right to a local government or a private organization, if they so chose. This is called devolution. If it is affecting the entire nation, it is the responsibility of the federal government. This is the textbook answer. Lately, with the way the courts, specifically the Supreme Court, have been ruling, practically everything is the federal government's responsibility.

What type of government is power split between state and national governments?

The United States calls its form of government where its power is divided between the national and state governments a Federal System. It created that type of government. In that case, the national government has responsibility for certain aspects and the state governments have responsibility for certain aspects. In France and England almost all power resides at the national level while administration occurs at the local level.

What jobs should be switched among federal state and local governments?

Federal Jobs

Which state has the highest local government in Nigeria?

The local government in Nigeria is the third tier of government after the Federal and State governments. It is the closest to the grassroot. It is called the Area Council in the case of the Federal Capital Territory (FCT) Abuja. There are 774 local government areas (LGAs) in Nigeria. The local governments are headed by a Chairman who is elected.

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Does the Single Audit Act apply to state and local governments?

Establish uniform requirements for audits of federal funds provided to state and local governments