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maintain continuous communication with all authorized entrants within the permit-required space, by voice, radio, telephone, visual observation or other equally effective means

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Q: When monitoring a permit required confined space entry the attendant must?
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Is an attendant required at a non permit required confined space?


Who is responsible for keeping unauthorized persons from entering the permit required space?

The confined space attendant.

What are the duties of a confined space attendant?

enter the permit space to initiate an emergency rescue

A Written Permit Required Confined Space Program Document is not required?

if the commander or functional manager determines that workers or other employees will not enter permit-required confined spaces under their control, and they have been prohibited from entering

The Permit Required Confined Space Decision Flow Chart is a tool for?

assistance in evaluating confined spaces

Which of the following best describes the term attendant specifically pertaining to the USF Confined Space Program?

a trained individual stationed outside one or more confined spaces who monitors authorized entrants and performs attendant's duties assigned in the permit space program

What term best describes the term attendant specifically pertaining to the USF confined space program?

a trained individual stationed outside one or more confined spaces who monitors authorized entrants and performs attendant's duties assigned in the permit space program

What document is mandatory on site when entry into a manhole is required?

confined space entry permit

Two classifications of Confined Spaces are?

Confined spaces are classified as either non-permit required or permit-required. Non-permit required spaces are considered safe for entry without specific precautions, while permit-required spaces have the potential for hazards like toxic atmospheres or limited entry/exit points that require special training and permits for entry.

How can the oxygen level in a permit-required confined space be made safer?

Improve the ventilation rate

When planning a permit required confined space entry when does the Entry Supervisor coordinate rescue plans with the Centrally Located Rescue Team fire protection division?

prior to entering a permit-required confined space entry. Emergency rescue assistance must be coordinated and it must be ensured that the fire department is available, if required, to respond for the duration of the entry.

What must be done if oxygen deficiency occurs 19.5 percent during a permit required confined space entry?

If oxygen levels fall below 19.5% during a permit-required confined space entry, all entrants must stop work immediately and leave the confined space. No one may reenter that space until testing shows that adequate oxygen levels have been restored.