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The company.

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Q: When it says employer on your job paperwork do they mean the company or the actual person that hired you?
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Describe how you view as an employer?

An employer is the person or company that you work for. It is your responsibility as an employee to represent your employer by doing a good job.

What is the least hours a person can work and still receive company insurance?

That depends on the employer and the employer's insurance policy.

What does employer means on a job application?

Employer name would either mean, the organisation you worked for such as McDonalds and also can be the actual manager's name at the store you work at but I would not put the name of the manager as they may change jobs and it differs.

Would it be considered misappropriation of funds if a person committed a theft of company funds from a relatives employer?

no no

What is a spouse employer?

a company or a person that hired your husband or wife, so it's kinda like their boss.

Abbreviation of secretary?

A secretary is a person responsible for handling the paperwork and often times communications within a company setting. The abbreviation for secretary is sec.

Where can I find the IRS form 1099 online for free?

You cant find that form online. that form is personalized for you and you would have to get it from your employer. You can either get it from your employer or the company or person that did your taxes last year.

Is employer a person?

An employer is a person who employs workers or staff (employees) for a wage or salary.

Is Bank Mutual a mortgage company or an actual bank?

Bank Mutual is an actual bank although they can help you with your mortgage needs. You can bank in person or online with them.

How Life insurance claim process does works?

Insured person dies. You (beneficiary) call insurance company and place a claim, they send you paperwork, you fill paperwork out and mail back with death certificate, Claim is paid in a few days to a few short weeks.

Present employer refuse interview for job openning is this legal?

Yes this is legal if you are already and employee of the company or person they can deny your application for interview.

What is the difference between an insurance company and a broker?

a broker sells the insurance, (is a sales person for many companies generally) and insurance company is the actual company that 'owns' the product, or company it's self........