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Q: When is supreme law making institution?
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If the US President approves a law does it go to US Supreme Court?

No, the Supreme Court has no part of the law making process. If someone challenges the validity of a law, it may end up in the Supreme Court.

When can the supreme court become involved in the law - making process?

Making Process is when the legislature presents 2 or more solutions to a problem and the Supreme Ct chooses one process, thus influencing the outcome of the case.

What law is supreme state or federal?

The US constitution is the supreme law of the land. Following that, Federal law is supreme (or controlling).

What is the supreme law of the land in the U.S?

The constitution is the supreme law of the land.

What is the supreme law of land in the U.S?

The constitution is the supreme law of the land.

Does the Supreme Court helps make laws?

Only indirectly is the Supreme Court a help in making laws. If the Supreme Court declares a law to be unconstitutional and therefore invalid, it explains why it made that ruling. Congress then may try to rewrite the law and remove the objectionable parts. (The Supreme Court does not give opinions on proposed legislation. )

What does the rule of law was mad its supreme maxim?

The Rule of Law was made its supreme maxim.

Which political institution has the power to try all impeachments?

Supreme Court

Which political institution receives the least media coverage?

the supreme court

Which government institution determines the number of justices of the Supreme Court?


What does supreme land of law mean?

The supreme law of the land means that when there is a conflict, the supreme law always wins. Article Six of the Constitution is called the Supremacy Clause. It states that Federal Laws always reign supreme in conflict with state law.