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Well, they think it's age 18, but in reality, it's age 24 for females, and age 30 for males. Christ was 30 before he was mature enough to leave home.

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Q: When is a child an adult in the state of Florida?
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No. Merely having a child does not emancipate a minor in any state of the US.

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There may only be 100 to 180 adult Florida panthers left. The Florida panther is the Florida state animal.

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It depends on the age of the adult child and the statutory limits of the state in which they live. For example, in Florida the statutory limit for establishing paternity is 18 + 4 years. The following site has more information:

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This is dependent on the consideration of whether the adult child has access to other resources such as SSI.

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There may only be 100 to 180 adult Florida panthers left. The Florida panther is the Florida state animal.

Can a child move out at seventeen and no longer be they parents responsible in Florida?

Not until they are considered an adult. Age 17 is still a minor in Florida.

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To get a Florida birth certificate (or a birth certificate in any other state, for that matter), the child had to have been born in Florida.

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Are grandparents responsible to pay child support in the state of Florida?

No and especially not if their child is an adult. There is a possibility if their child, the parent, is a very young minor and too young to get a job that the other parent asking for child support can go to court and try to get it from the grand parents until the child is old enough to get a job.