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It is closed when it is legally discharged by the courts. Usually about 2 months after the 341 meeting for a ch. 7.

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Q: When is a chapter 7 bankruptcy closed?
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Can you protect a structured settlement in a chapter 7 bankruptcy?

Yes you can protect it under chapter 7 bankruptcy

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When can you file a chapter 7 bankruptcy if you had a chapter 7 discharged in December 2001?

The bankruptcy petitioner can file another chapter 7 8 years after the date of filing of a previous chapter 7.

How long does it take after a bankruptcy is discharged to show on your credit report?

The amount of time a bankruptcy stays on your credit report after discharge differs between Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 Bankruptcy. With Chapter 7 bankruptcy, the Chapter 7 stays on your credit report for 10 years. Chapter 13 bankruptcy, after discharge, it shows for 7 years on your credit report.

Can you file chapter 13 bankruptcy after you have filed a chapter 7 in Indiana?

A chapter 13 bankruptcy can be filed if it has been at least 4 years from the date of the discharge of a chapter 7. Nonsense. You can file a chapter 13 the day after the 7 is closed. You may not be eligible for a discharge, but the point of doing a "chapter 20" is usually to dump the unsecured debt in the 7 and use the 13 to get caught up on the mortgage, for which no discharge is necessary.

In Kentucky How long after bankruptcy can you file chapter 7 and can you file chapter 13 after chapter 7?

You can file bankruptcy again 7 years after the last time you filed.

How long do you have to be unemployed to file chapter 7?

You do not have to be unemployed to file bankruptcy.

After Chapter 7 bankruptcy has been Discharge can buy a home?

After Chapter 7 bankruptcy has been Discharge can buy a home

In a Chapter 7 bankruptcy a person filing for relief is called a?

In a Chapter 7 bankruptcy, a person filing for relief is called a

Where can I go online to find chapter 7 bankruptcy forms?

Chapter 7 Bankruptcy forms can be found on various reliable websites. A few of the sites that has Chapter 7 Bankruptcy forms are:, and

If you filed chapter 13 bankruptcy and it was discharged can you file chapter 7 bankruptcy now?


Where can I find Chapter 7 bankruptcy forms online?

There are several websites that have Chapter 7 bankruptcy forms. One of these websites is