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That would depend on the wording in the deed. For example:

  • A deed that named as grantees John and Abigail Adams, husband and wife, and James Madison would give each a third interest by default. In order to change the interest acquired the deed would need to recite the interests so acquired specifically: John and Abigail Adams, husband and wife, a one-half interest and James Madison a one-half interest.
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Q: When husband and wife are listed on warranty deed as John Doe and Jane Doe Husband and Wife does that constitute one share or two when there are other individuals names on the warranty deed as well?
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Yes, the two are both married and together so it would be obvious that the two must constitute some sort of household as well as regulations for the household.

Do you say 'Is it your husband and you' or 'you and your husband'?

The custom is to mention the person you are speaking to first, then any other person, then yourself. For example: You and your husband; You and my husband; Your husband and I; My husband and I; You, your husband and I; You, my husband and I.

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Your husband's sister is your sister-in-law. Her husband is your husband's brother-in-law. But your sister-in-law's husband is not related to you.

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Yes. Her actions may also constitute a criminal act.

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Your husband's sister is your sister-in-law. Her husband is your husband's brother-in-law. But your sister-in-law's husband is not related to you.

Is your husband's sister's husband your brother-in-law?

Your husband's sister is your sister-in-law. Her husband is not related to you.

Is your sister's husband considered your husband's brother-in-law?

No. Your husband's brother-in-law would be your brother or the husband of your husband's sister. Your sister is your husband's sister-in-law. Your sister's husband is your brother-in-law but the English language has no term to describe a relationship between your husband and your sister's husband. In everyday English usage, however, your sister's husband is referred to as your husband's brother-in-law, yes. But it isn't exactly correct.

Is allow your husband and me proper English?

The form 'allow your husband and me' is correct. The pronoun 'me' is part of the compound object of the verb 'allow'. Example: If you allow your husband and me a little more time we can finish. Other correct examples are using 'your husband and me' as the object of a preposition: ... for your husband and me ... ... from your husband and me ... ... by your husband and me ... ... near your husband and me ... ... to your husband and me ... An easy way to figure out whether I or ME is correct is to remove "your husband" from the sentence. Try it with just I or ME. You should be able to figure out which one is right. Then, add "your husband" back in. Adding "your husband" does not change whether I or ME is correct. Be aware, that the custom is to list yourself last. You should say: Your husband and I, Your husband and me. You should not say: I and your husband. Me and your husband.

What is husband in hawaiian?

Husband in Hawaiian is "mākua kāne".

Is your sister's husband considered to be your husband's brother-in-law?

No. In the languages f the cultures derived from Europe, your sister is your husband's sister-in-law but her husband is not related to your husband.

What is a husband?

A husband is a married man who is in a committed relationship with his spouse. He typically provides emotional support, companionship, and shares responsibilities within the household. The role of a husband varies across cultures and individuals, but generally involves being a partner and co-parent.