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Q: When does hate speech become treason?
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What is the speech that Patrick Henry gave in 1775?

Treason speech.

What are some purposes constitutes hate speech?

A speech, involving hate

What part of speech is treason?

The word treason is a noun. It is the crime of betraying your own country.

Are there any governmental laws against hate speech?

Yes, hate speech laws are apart of the First Amendment of the US Constitution. The amendment prohibits the regulation of speech even hate speech.

What was Patrick Henry's speech called?

give me liberty or give me dealth

What part of speech is hate?

A noun, verb, or adjective:Hate is a dangerous vice. (noun, subject of the sentence)I hate him. (verb)He was arrested for his hate speech. (adjective, describes the noun 'speech')

What was Patrick Henry's speech?

He had 3 speeches but what you mostly important was his liberty or death speech. His other 2 where the treason speech, and the Caesar and Brutus speech.

When did Martin Luther King Jr. become famous?

He became famous when he delivered his famous speech, "I Have a Dream".

Why did a lawyer say Patrick Henry committed treason?

Patrick Henry made a speech denouncing the Stamp Act in the Virginia House of Burgesses on May 29, 1765. In response to cries of "treason" in the midst of his speech, Patrick Henry declared: "If this be treason, make the most of it."

What US President considered speech against the Presidency to be treason?

Abraham Washington

How does freedom of speech in the US differ in wartime and in peacetime?

during war time free speech can get one a treason charge

Why do you hate speech?

Well... first of all... some people don't hate speech, and people who hate speech doesn't really like school that much or your shy and don't wanna talk that much. Speech is just to help you pronounce your words a little better.