the 357 smith & Wesson 28-3 was introduced in 1982
Made from 1982-1986
What is the value of a model 24 Smith & Wesson revolver with a 4" barel? It has never been fired.
With the brief description that you have supplied,I would say that you have a SMith and Wesson model of 1905 4th change revolver.
SS 22 MRF Revolver
Yes. Model 32
Stainless Steel Revolver
Smith and Wesson Model 1
Depends on the model. Look in the crane area.
The value of a Smith and Wesson Model 51 22 Magnum Revolver would actually depend on a number of factors. Some of these factors would include the age and condition of the Revolver.
Experience, features, reference books.
100-425 USD