A homicide detective's pay varies widely depending what jurisdiction they serve or what agency employs them.
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Homicide is when someone kills someone else, also called murder. It is unsure how homicide is actually started, but it usually starts when someone wants something that the other person has, or just pure hatred. There are also random homicides such as when gunmen just start shooting at random people. Either way, the person behind a homicide most likely has a mental illness to be killing random people, but it is all "human nature" related.
One can find information on how to start a homicide clean up business from the following sources: How Stuff Works, How To Clean Up Crime Scenes, Bio Trauma 911, Wikipedia, Amdecon, to name a few.
"Homicide" refers to a crime involving murder. Example : "The man committed homicide and was arrested and jailed."
Homicide means murder, so someone is murdered in a homicide scene.
Note not all are crimes in the US. -Huffing -Holocaust denial -Homicide -Human trafficking
No, homicide is considered a crime.
Antonyms for homicide are save or rescue.
Culpable homicide is the unlawful killing of a human being which does not amount to murder.
The police are investigating the homicide that occurred last night in the downtown area.
you cant get homicide