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Andrew Borden's first wife Sarah (mother to Emma and Lizzie) died in 1863. Andrew remarried 2 years later in 1865.

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Q: When did Lizzie Borden's father re-marry?
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Who killed the Bordens?

Lizzie borden killed her father and her stepmother. she was the one who had something against her stepmother. she also had something against her father because he married the stepmother.

What was the relationship with Lizzie Borden and Nance O'Neil?

When Lizzie was younger, father and daughter seemed to have a relationship of mutual love and a guarded respect for each other. As Lizzie grew up and older and remained in her father's home instead of marrying and starting her own family, the house on 92 2nd Street became increasingly crowded. It was no secret to anyone who knew the Borden's that Andrew's 'girls' did not get on well with Abby, Andrew's second wife and Emma and Lizzie's stepmother. If fact Emma and Lizzie did not take meals with the elder Bordens, preferring to eat off a tray in their upstairs rooms. This is a significant situation considering the era in which they lived. The tension in the home was oppressive at times. By all accounts Lizzie was the favored daughter, possibly because she was too much like Andrew. Headstrong and willful, Lizzie may have done better out of her father's home but 19th century etiquette discouraged young ladies leaving their father's house unless married or in a convent. Lizzie did neither.

Where does Lizzie Borden live?

Until her death in 1927, Lizzie Borden lived her entire life in Fall River Massachusetts. At the time of the murders the Bordens lived at 92 2nd St. After her aquittal Lizzie and her older sister Emma moved to 306 French St., a more fashionable neighborhood and a much larger house. As of June 1, 1927 Lizzie has resided at Oak Grove Cemetery along side her father Andrew, real mother Sarah, and sisters Emma and Alice Ester*. *Alice Ester Borden died before Lizzie was born, she was about two years old at the time of her death.

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Who did Beyonce's father remarry?

Beyonce's father has not yet remarried.

Can an old widowed father remarry in Islam?

Yes, he can.

Did Hitler's dad remarry?

Hitlers Father did remarry and had a son and daughter (Hitler's half siblings) named Anglia and Alios Jr. (Hitler's father was named Alois).

Has anyone ever considered if Lizzie Bordens sister Emma may have been the killer?

In his book "Lizzie" author Frank Spiering claimed that Lizzie's sister Emma was not where everyone thought she was, and was indeed the killer. Lizzie and Emma were furious over a family dispute over a piece of real estate that Andrew Borden had given to his wife's side of the family. Abby Borden was Emma and Lizzie's stepmother, so to see some of their property going to someone 'outside' the immediate family caused a rift that could not be overcome.

Where are Lizzie and Emma Borden buried?

Lizzie Borden is buried in the Borden family plot at Oak Grove Cemetery, Fall River, MA. Resting with her are her father Andrew, her biological mother Sarah, her sister Emma and I believe a sister that died before Lizzie's birth (named Alice). Lizzie's step-mother Abbey, whom was murdered with Andrew, (and Andrew's second wife) in August 1892 was buried with her own family in a neighboring town. Lizzie's tombstone bares the name LizBeth Borden, the name she took after her trial in 1893.

Where is the murder weapon used in the Lizzie Borden case?

The hatchet that was used to kill the Bordens is now in the Lizzy Borden museum in Fall River, MA. It was found in the celler of the Borden's house with traces of blood and a broken handle.

What is Lizzie Borden's father's name?

Andrew Jackson Borden.

What stragety does aj jennings use on injury when making opening remarks for the defense in Lizzie bordens trial on June 15 1893?

His point was that a young woman of Lizzie's breeding and class would not have done such a horrendous thing to members of her own family. For us living in the 21st century we know all too well that murder knows no boundries of class or money.