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If you are charged with a crime that could result in loss of liberty, you are entitled to a public defender if you can't afford to hire a criminal defense lawyer. You can ask for a Public Defender the first time you appear in court, which is usually at your arraignment (the hearing shortly after your arrest, when the court informs you of the charges against you).

Details are in the first related source below. I found at the second related source, where you can find more links to information about Minnesota courts and criminal procedure.

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Q: When can you get assigned a public defender in Minnesota?
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When are you assigned a public defender in California?

You may be assigned a Public Defender in California at different times. If you are being questioned by police, you can request an attorney at that time even if you have not been charged. At your first court appearance - called an arraignment - you will be assigned a Public Defender if you don't already have one and can't afford to hire a lawyer. But you can also contact the Public Defender's Office before your arraignment. Bear in mind that the first Public Defender you speak with may not represent you at all phases of your case. The Los Angeles County Public Defender's Office has a great description of its procedures in the first related link below, but the procedure may be different in different counties. Use the second related link to find Public Defender offices in any county, with links to their websites.

When should a Judge appoint a Public Defender?

In California, public defenders are assigned by the judge during the defendant's first court appearance, which is called an arraignment. Public defenders are only assigned to defendants who can't afford to hire a lawyer, so the defender has to complete a financial form. If the judge or the public defender determines that the defendant can't afford a lawyer, the judge will assign a public defender at that time. However, it is possible to obtain the services of a public defender before the arraignment. If the defendant is being questioned or put in a lineup, and can't afford a lawyer, the police will arrange for a public defender to be present, or allow the defendant to call the Public Defender's Office. If the defendant has been charged with a crime but is not in custody, he or she can visit the Public Defender's Office at any time. But the public defender assigned by the judge may not be the same person the defendant before arraignment. The first related link is the Los Angeles Public Defender's Office, which has good information about their process (click the FAQ menu item). Other county Public Defender offices may have different procedures. The second related link has links to all Public Defender offices in California.

What is are your rights when you want a public defender?

In order to have a public defender assigned to your case, you must meet certain income requirements. The requirements are different from state to state. In other words - if you can afford to hire and pay your own attorney, the court will not appoint you one paid for by the taxpayers.

What is the duration of The Public Defender?

The duration of The Public Defender is 1.15 hours.

When was The Public Defender created?

The Public Defender was created on 1931-08-01.

Can a public defender represent the victim and defendant?

Of course not! A public defender is paid by the public and represents the defendant.

What are a public defender's responsibilities within the courtroom?

The responibilities of a public defender in a courtroom is that they love to drink coffee.♥

Can you replace public defender in California?

In most states, you must petition the court if you want to change your public defender. That's because the court appoints the public defender, so only the court can make a change. That's true in California if your public defender is a court-appointed lawyer and not a member of the Public Defender's Office for your county. But in some California counties with large Public Defender's Offices, the office may let you switch lawyers. Napa County is an example; click the first related link and look for the answer to the question "I don't like my Deputy Public Defender. How do I get a new one?" You will have to check with your county's Public Defender Office. You can find their contact information at the second related link; just scroll down to your county and look for the "Public Defender" link.

How long does it take to get public defender after you have been arrested in Florida?

It typically takes a few days to a week to be assigned a public defender after being arrested in Florida. The exact timing can vary depending on factors such as caseload and availability of public defenders in your area.

Can you have your public defender replaced?

Yes, it is possible, but you should be armed with several really good reasons why. Let's be honest, even if granted, the consequence is that you will just get a co-worker of their's assigned to you.

Can you change your public defender if you don't think he is doing a good job in Tx?

In Texas - or any other state - you can't change your public defender if you don't think he is doing a good job. Only the judge can change your public defender, so you would have to convince the judge that the public defender is not doing a good job. See the first related link below for an example of this from the Dallas County Public Defender's Office (scroll down to the question "Can I fire my Assistant Public Defender?"). I found this at the second related link, which has links to Public Defender offices in several counties; you can call those offices and ask about their local procedures.

Who can assign a public defender?
