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What you should do when you are coming up to a railroad crossing with no gates or lights is treat it like there are lights or gates. Stop or slow down and look both ways to make sure there is no train coming. I also suggest if you have your radio up loud then turn it down when you get close to the crossing so you can hear if a train is coming. The train has to sound its horn no more than a 1/4 of mile from the crossing or at least 15 seconds but no more than 20 seconds from the crossing. Treat the crossing like a stop light. Look, Listen and Live. Just look at the related link for more information. Railroad worker for 10 years.

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If you are operating a hired passenger vehicle (taxi, limo, bus, any public transportation, etc.) you have to stop, look both ways, and listen before crossing.

If you are in a private vehicle with friends, family, co-workers, etc. then you only have to stop if you can see a train.

* Correction - Some US states require you to stop at the crossing and proceed only when safe to do so.

The red lights and/or gates may also be there.

Additional: The operators of certain busses, commercial trucks, and truck/trailer combinations, are also required to bring their vehicles to a stop, and look/listen before proceeding across railroad rights-of-way.

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Q: When approaching a railroad crossing?
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railroad crossing signs are railroad crossing signs, a baby could figure that one out.

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All US states require that you stop prior to entering the crossing, and a train is approaching the crossing. If there are also crossing gates, you must not go through the crossing when the gates are either being lowered or raised. If there are no gates, you are allowed to proceed through the crossing after stopping only after you have looked and determined no train is approaching and it is safe to cross. If there are gates, you are not allowed to go around the gates legally unless a railroad employee or a police officer instructs you that it is safe to do so.