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The court issues "Letters Testamentary" TO the executor when the will has been allowed and the executor appointed by the court. Those letters provide the executor with the authority to handle the estate. The executor is then bound by LAW to follow the provisions of the will and distribute the assets according to the will and/or according to the law. If they fail to do their duty as required by law then they can be reported to the court.

Once a will has been filed in probate it becomes a public document and you can request the file at court and review the will. After the decedent's debts have been paid the executor can distribute the the remaining assets according to the terms in the will. If there is property not specifically mentioned in the will, the heirs will need to co-operate with the executor and with each other in reaching a fair distribution. The executor will have the power to make the final decisions for any property not specifically devised.

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It should show the debts and assets and the expect distribution. Anything else the court requires should be included.

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Q: When an executor sends a letter to the beneficiaries to distribute the estate what should it say?
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What information should be included in a letter from the estate executor to the heirs or beneficiaries of an estate?

Only you know what you want them to know.

Can you be made executor to fathers will after he is dead?

You can apply to be appointed executor of your father's estate. The court will issue a letter of authority. You will be required to distribute the estate according to the intestacy laws of the state.

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Your uncle is in a fiduciary position and he owes a duty to the beneficiaries to perform his duties according to the letter of the law. He is also legally bound to follow the provisions of the will and trust TO THE LETTER. He has no right to distribute any property to non-devisees. You should report his behavior to the attorney who is handling the estate or to the court that appointed him. He should be removed as executor/trustee. You can request the court order him to return any property he distributed to his wife or its value. It is unacceptable for an executor/trustee in control of property to treat that property as his own and the court will not allow it.

I am trying to claim Mom's annuity. The company is requiring a Letter of Testamentary that I'm the executor of the estate. How do I get this Letter of Testamentary?

You need to get a copy of your Mother's will to prove that you are an executor of her estate. If there is no will you need to apply for an appointment as an executor so that you can handle her estate matters.

Do you have to go through courts to be executor of estate in Columbus GA?

You need a Letter of Authority from the probate court to act as the executor of an estate.

How do you get a letter of testamentary if your mother left no will?

You open an estate. The laws of intestacy for your jurisdiction will apply. The probate court will appoint an executor and they will have the legal requirement to inventory the estate, resolve all debts, pay taxes and distribute the remainder, if any.

What recourse do the beneficiaries have if the executor does not distribute the funds?

The answer depends on the laws of the state where the probate took place; however, every state has laws for beneficiaries to force distributions after giving executors some reasonable time administer the estate. After all, before executors can distribute to beneficiaries, all funeral, administration expenses, estate and inheritance taxes (if any) and legitimate debts of the decedent are paid in full. This takes time. As an example of remedies available to beneficiaries in this situation, New Jersey law provides that if a beneficiary is given a specific dollar amount in the will, that amount has to be paid within one year of probate or it will carry an additional 4% interest for the beneficiary. Also, if the beneficiary chooses, he/she can bring an action in probate court on an order to show cause to force the payment. If the beneficiary is entitled to all or a percentage of the net estate available for distribution, the beneficiary can file an action in probate court on an order to show cause to compel the executor to file an accounting and compel distribution. If you have to go to court this way, you probably can do it yourself, however it is better to get a lawyer, who may be able to force payment with a well worded letter, rather than going to court. If the money is given to a trust for your benefit until you reach a certain age and you have not yet attained that age, then the executor will not and cannot distribute anything to you individually. It must go to the trust. If you are a minor, the executor will not and most likely cannot distribute the inheritance to you directly since you are not an adult. The executor will have to distribute the inheritance to a duly appointed guardian, unless that state's laws permit some other distribution. In New Jersey, an executor cannot distribute monies in excess of $5000 even to a parent unless that parent becomes a legally appointed guardian in the probate court where the minor resides, not where the probate took place.

How to sell a house after a parent dies?

You have to open an estate. The court will then appoint an executor. The executor will have the letter of authority that will, with the court's permission, sell the real property of the estate.

Do you have to be present when made as the executor of an estate?

No, you do not have to be present when appointed executor. The court will provide a letter of authority. This is often handled by the attorney advising the executor.

Do you have to go to the court to be appointed executor of someone's will?

The Will must be approved and the executor must be appointed by the court or they have no legal authority.The Will must be approved and the executor must be appointed by the court or they have no legal authority.The Will must be approved and the executor must be appointed by the court or they have no legal authority.The Will must be approved and the executor must be appointed by the court or they have no legal authority.

When is the family notified about deceased brothers will?

When the estate is opened, all possible beneficiaries should be notified. In most cases service must be made before the court will issue a letter of authority to the executor. That allows everyone to know what is going on.

What are Letters Testamentary?

A letter of testamentary is a court document that identifies the executor of an estate.