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The court will appoint a new executor. Consult a probate attorney and they will help you get it resolved.

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Q: When an executor of a will dies who replaces them to find lawyer for probate?
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Can a lawyer keep a will from someone?

Lawyers have specific instructions and regulations regarding who they share the contents of the will with. After someone dies, the contents are shared with the beneficiaries and interested parties only. The above answer is correct, so here are just a few details for which the answer was flagged: Before the testator dies a lawyer can keep a will from everyone except the testator if the testator wants it back. After the testator dies, a lawyer can keep a will from everyone except the named executor or other person who has the first obligation to probate the will. After the testator dies, a lawyer representing an executor can keep a will from everyone, even beneficiaries, if the executor directs the lawyer to not to give it out. The lawyer has to go by the client's directives, even though they may be misguided. The lawyer will tell the executor that it is the executor's obligation to give the will to beneficiaries; but it is the executor's obligation to give out the will. The lawyer does not act independently of the executor. Lastly, there is no "law" that specifies whether a lawyer can or cannot keep a will from someone. The above two answers are what I believe to be accurate interpretations of a lawyer's obligations on client confidentiality and scope of authority in representing a client.

If a person dies leaving no assets will the executor named in the will be released of all duties?

If a person dies owning no property whatsoever, the executor won't petition the court for appointment. An executor named in a will who is never appointed by a court has no power and no responsibilities. The will can be simply "filed" with the probate court for a nominal sum without actually opening a probate procedure. It will be indexed in the probate records for future/historical reference purposes only.

What is the process if the unmarried father dies and he has a will with an executor?

The will is admitted to probate and the executor follows its instructions. If the child is not listed in the will, they can apply to the probate court for a legal change. Most will make sure that the child is taken care of and does not become a ward of the state.

How does the power of attorney assign an executor to and estate?

A Power of Attorney is extinguished when the principal dies. The attorney-in-fact has no power to do anything. The probate court appoints the executor or administrator for the estate.

what happens when someone dies and his estate never goes through probate and then the executor of his estate dies ?

You should seek official legal advice, but the online consensus seems to be that the 2nd person in line to be executor becomes in charge of the estate.

How long do you have to agree on a executor if no will exists?

If there is no will then there will be no executor. When a person dies intestate, or without a will, a qualified person must petition the probate court to be appointed the administrator of the estate. That should be done as soon as possible. You should seek the advice of an attorney who specializes in probate in your area.

How do you find out what has been left to you in your fathers will?

After he dies, the executor will file the will with the probate court. You will probably be notified of the contents of the will, but if not, you can review the will at the clerk's office.

Who become a new executor if the original executor of a will dies and the will was already in probate?

If the will names an alternate executor in the event the first named executor dies or refuses to serve, then that person should become the new executor. If the will does not name an alternate executor, or if the alternat has died or refuses to serve, then generally one of the residuary legatees named in the will should be appointed. In some states this person is not known as an executor but rather an administrator c.t.a. This is an abbreviation for the Latin "cum testamento annexo", meaning, "with the will amended." Keep in mind that probate laws differ from state to state. This is a general answer and might not apply in every state.

How do you transfer a deed when a parent dies without a will in Texas?

You open an estate with the probate court. The executor of the estate can issue the deed to those who inherit.

Can an executor be set aside in probate?

Yes. A court can decide not to appoint the named executor if any interested party provides a compelling objection to the appointment. Also, the court can remove an executor and appoint a successor if it finds the executor is mishandling the estate, submits a resignation or dies while in office.

How do you become a co-executor of your mother's will?

The following is general information only. You should consult with an attorney in your jurisdiction who specializes in probate law. The testator usually names the executor in the will. When the testator dies, the named executor files the will for probate and must also petition to be appointed as the executor at the same time. The executor has no power or legal authority until they have been appointed by the court. If your mother didn't name you as co-executor in her will then you will need to consult with the person who was named in the will. Perhaps they would consider allowing you to join in the petition for appointment as a co-executor.

What if your father is the sole executor of a will his father left and you would like to know if he dies can your mother become the sole executor?

Alternate ExecutorsThis will depend on the Probate [sometimes called "Succession"] law of the state in which the deceased [who assigned your father as executor] lived, and thus the will was probated.Usually, the will for which your father was named executor will have a statement naming an alternate (s) executor in the event the named executor [your father in this case] is unable, for any reason, or unwilling to serve in that capacity.If there was no provision for appointing an alternate executor then the Probate law of the state in which the deceased lived will determine the assignment of a new executor.In this type of situation, it would not be uncommon for your mother to be named by the Probate Court as the replacement executor [called an "executrix" in the case of a female].