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Q: When an employment selection instrument is related to job success the instrument is said to have?
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Related questions

What is natural selection most closely related to?

Natural selection is most closely related to Darwin's theory of evolution.

Which of Darwin's postulates about evolution by natural selection is most directly related to differential reproductive success?

Individuals suited to the struggle for existence will survive and reproduce better than individuals not so suited. Differential reproductive success is just another name for evolution by natural selection.

What has the author Lizandra Vega written?

Lizandra Vega has written: 'The image of success' -- subject(s): Job hunting, Employment interviewing, Success in business 'The image of success' -- subject(s): Job hunting, Employment interviewing, Success in business

What is unequal reproductive success of offspring?

Natural selection.

What is natural selection and how does natural selection evolution?

A simplified explanation. Natural selection is the nonrandom survival and reproductive success of randomly varying organisms who by this reproductive success change the allele frequency over time in populations of organisms, which is evolution.

Another word for Differential success in reproduction?

Natural Selection!

How was Darwin's theory tranalated into a theory about economic success?

It wasn't! The theory of evolution by natural selection has nothing to do with social Darwinism and to posit such a connection is ill posed. The theory of evolution by natural selection is about individual selection of organisms and has nothing to do with group to group success in economic terms.

How much natural selection leads to evolution?

All natural selection results in evolution. But natural selection is not necessarily the only mechanism leading to evolution. There are processes at work on a molecular level, such as intragenomic conflict-type processes, that also result in differential reproductive success, but aren't exactly related to the kind of processes Darwin first described.

Do online employment jobs have a high success rate?

Online employment success rates depend highly on the site you are using. If you are using a locally based site you are more likely to find success than if you are using a nationwide employment site. You will also find more success if you go through the company you are seeking employment at, whether it is local or national.

What is the force driving natural selection?

Reproductive success. You are not evolving, but your progeny will; if you have any.

Selection acts directly on?

Selection acts directly on individuals within a population, favoring certain traits that increase an individual's survival and reproductive success. This process leads to the differential reproductive success of individuals with advantageous traits, ultimately shaping the genetic makeup of the population.

Which phrase defines evolution by natural selection?

Differential reproductive success of variant replicators.