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Q: When a patient initiates a legal suit is the patient the accuser or defendant?
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What is the difference between the defendant and the plaintiffin civil court matters?

The plaintiff is the person or organization that INITIATES a legal action, against another person, who is called the defendant.

How do you know who the plaintiff is in a case citation?

In a case citation, the plaintiff is typically listed first before the defendant. The plaintiff is the party that initiates a legal action or lawsuit against the defendant.

Who are plaintiff and the defendant in a civil action?

The plaintiff is the party who initiates a civil lawsuit by filing a complaint, seeking a legal remedy for a perceived wrongdoing. The defendant is the party who is being sued or accused of the wrongdoing, and must respond to the allegations in court.

Party who begins legal case?

The party who initiates a legal case is known as the plaintiff in a civil case or the prosecution in a criminal case. They are the ones bringing the case to court and seeking a resolution or remedy for the legal issue at hand.

What does it mean when a defendant declared indigent?

When a defendant is declared indigent, it means that the defendant doesn't have any assets with which to hire a lawyer or another form of legal representation and so the defendant is entitled to free legal representation.

What is the legal term no face no case meen?

No victim no testimony you have the right to face your accuser

What are the ingredients of tort?

a wrongful act by the defendant, legal remedy, legal damage to the plaintiff

What does p and p mean in court?

"P" stands for plaintiff, the party who initiates a lawsuit. "V" stands for versus, meaning against, and is used to indicate the parties involved in a legal case. For example, "Smith v. Jones" means that Smith is the plaintiff and Jones is the defendant.

Plaintiff vs defendant?

A plaintiff is the party who brings a civil lawsuit against another party, known as the defendant, seeking legal remedy or compensation for harm or breach of contract. The plaintiff is responsible for proving their case against the defendant in court.

Who is involved in sentencing cirlces?

The family members, the defendant and the legal crew.

Can a plaintiff's lawyer work for defendant discreetly?

Legal ethics prohibit that.

What is consol defendant?

A consol defendant is a party in a lawsuit who joins with another defendant or defendants in order to defend against the same claim or claims. This can happen when multiple defendants are sued together and are represented by the same legal counsel.