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It is called a hung jury

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Q: When a jury can not reach a verdict resulting in a mistrial.?
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When a criminal trial jury is unable to reach unanimous verdict what declaration will the trial judge issue?

If the jury cannot reach a verdict, the judge may find them to be a hung jury and declare a mistrial.

What happens if the jury does not reach a verdict?

If a jury cannot reach a verdict, it is considered a hung jury, and the case may result in a mistrial. In this situation, the prosecution can choose to retry the case with a new jury.

Is the jury's verdict must be a majority in favor of guilt or innocence?

In a criminal trial, the jury's verdict must be unanimous in order to convict the defendant of guilt. If the jury cannot reach a unanimous decision, it results in a hung jury and could lead to a mistrial.

What jury means a jury can not find a verdict?

A hung jury occurs when the members cannot reach a unanimous verdict. In such cases, the judge may declare a mistrial, and the case may be retried with a new jury.

What if there is a mistrial in the Casey Anthony trial?

There was no mistrial. The trial of Casey Anthony was completed and the jury delivered their verdict on July 5, 2011.

What pronouncement does the head jury make after a trial?

Usually, at the end of a trial a jury will render a verdict. A verdict could be guilty or innocent depending on what the jury believes. Sometimes, there is no verdict and a mistrial can be declared and the case can be retried.

A hung jury is a jury that is on a verdict?

A hung jury is unable to reach unanimity on a verdict.

What is a deadlocked jury?

A deadlocked jury is one that cannot come to a final agreement on a verdict. If they remain deadlocked, it is declared a mistrial.

Jury can not reach a verdict?

This is called a hung jury.

When is a mistrial declared?

A mistrial is declared when a trial is terminated without a verdict due to an error or misconduct that could prevent a fair outcome, such as a jury being unable to reach a unanimous decision, improper jury selection, or a procedural error that affects the rights of the defendant. This results in the need for a new trial to be conducted.

What is a jury said to do when it goes away to reach a verdict?

The jury goes into deliberation.

What is the difference between a mistrial and a request for a new trial?

A mistrial occurs when a trial is terminated before a verdict is reached due to procedural errors or misconduct. A request for a new trial is made after a verdict is reached but is based on legal errors or misconduct that occurred during the trial process.