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Q: When a judge orders a criminal defendant to reimburse the victim it is called?
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What does this mean the court orders that costs are taxed against defendant?

That means the defendant has to pay them out of his own pocket.

What is the name for a court order?

A Subpoena .AnswerCourts issue a variety of orders. They issue injunctions, subpoenas, judgments, etc. Often, Orders are called just that, Order. For example, "Order on Defendant's Motion to Dismiss," "Final Order" or "Scheduling Order" are common orders.

Under which system Criminal or Civil does the victim receive more satisfaction?

It's not really possibly to easily answer this question, given that there are so many different jurisdictions and each has it's own laws and system. The civil system tends to primarily offer victims monetary rewards, or things like restraining orders. The criminal system can obviously punish a defendant with prison, although the criminal system is not technically a victim v. defendant mechanism. It's a "state" or "people" v. the defendant, with the victim having some rights. Ultimately, which offered more "satisfaction" to the victim is something only the victim could answer.

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What have Gag orders been used to prohibit?

Gag orders have been used to prohibit one criminal from testifying against another.

The struggle between the patricians and the plebeians?

The war between the patricians and the plebeians was/is called "the Conflict of the Orders"

Do temporary restraining orders go on your criminal record?

No, but violations of such do. A restraining order is a civil order.

Rules that have the force of law are called?

Executive orders

What is a cross complainant on a summons?

cross-complaintn. after a complaint has been filed against a defendant for damages or other orders of the court, the defendant may file a written complaint against the party suing him/her or against a third party as long as the subject matter is related to the original complaint. The defendant's filing of a complaint is called a cross-complaint, and the defendant is then called a cross-complainant and the party he/she sues is called a cross-defendant. The defendant must still file an answer or other response to the original complaint. If the cross-complaint is against the original plaintiff (original suer) then it can be served on the plaintiff's attorney by mail, but a third party must be served in person with the cross-complaint and a new summons issued by the clerk of the court. The cross-defendants must then file answers or other responses. These are called pleadings and must be carefully drafted (usually by an attorney) to properly state the factual as well as legal basis for the claim and contain a prayer for damages or other relief.(From LAW.COM Dictionary)

What is an order to a person in a law court called?

If a court is communicating with you, there are any number of documents that can be considered orders of the court. A summons orders you to appear in court; an injunction orders you to refrain from certain acts. Language contained in a court paper to you that requires you to do or not to do something is an order of the court. The court (i.e., a judge), during the proceeding of a case can make various written or verbal orders to a defendant (also called a respondent). These orders can be titled in various ways, not necessarily with the word "order" in the title. A judgment issued at the end of a case is an order. If you fail to do (or not do) what a judge orders, you can be found in contempt of court. Many states now issue orders of contempt immediately if you fail to pay a traffic fine by the due date. Don't fool around with the court. Your inaction when ordered to do something by a court can wind up on your permanent record.

Why do people go onto judge judy?

The production company reportedly pay each both the plaintiff and defendant $100 each for the apperance, plus flights and accomodation. In addition, the production company pays any judgments made (ie even if Judge Judy orders the defendant to pay $1000 to the plaintiff, the defendant doesn't actually pay anything and the production company pays it).

Why was hadrian wall called hadrian wall?

Hadrian's Wall is called Hadrian's all because it was built by the orders of the emperor Hadrian.Hadrian's Wall is called Hadrian's all because it was built by the orders of the emperor Hadrian.Hadrian's Wall is called Hadrian's all because it was built by the orders of the emperor Hadrian.Hadrian's Wall is called Hadrian's all because it was built by the orders of the emperor Hadrian.Hadrian's Wall is called Hadrian's all because it was built by the orders of the emperor Hadrian.Hadrian's Wall is called Hadrian's all because it was built by the orders of the emperor Hadrian.Hadrian's Wall is called Hadrian's all because it was built by the orders of the emperor Hadrian.Hadrian's Wall is called Hadrian's all because it was built by the orders of the emperor Hadrian.Hadrian's Wall is called Hadrian's all because it was built by the orders of the emperor Hadrian.