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I'm guessing the person who bough the fence I'm guessing the person who bough the fence

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Q: When a fence is shared with a neighbor that is on the property line Who responsible for repair and removal of the fence?
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Who is responsible for the repair and maintenance of property line fence used to control livestock?

The livestock owner is.

If your fence falls onto neighbors property can you enter his property to repair it?

Yes, if you were negligent in the maintenance of the fence. Otherwise, the neighbor's company will pick up the tab. If it is a shared fence both companies will share equally in the cost to repair or replacement of the fence with a reduction of the deductible by 50% for each owner.

Are you responsible for damage to personal property other than your own if water damage occurs in your apartment?

If you were aware of a leak....informed no one, took no steps to repair or prevent the water from escaping your apartment and damaging your neighbor's are. However, if you are talking of a sudden and accidental occurence....neither you, the neighbors or the owner/landlord had warning or knowledge of the potential water escaping...your insurance covers your property, the neighbor's insurance covers his etc...

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Your neighbor is responsible for any work he asked a contractor to do. If he wants to recover the cost from you and you don't agree to pay, then he will have to ask the judge. The judge could go either way on this, you never know with judges!

Who is responsible to repair a front door on a rental property that was kicked in by the police?

The suspect is responsible. The cops are not responsible, nor should they ever be. If the suspect is convicted, the landlord may be able to get victim’s compensation.

If your neighbors dogs attacked your cat on your property are they liable for vet bills?

If dogs belonging to a neighbor are not leashed or confined in a fence and are loose on your property, doing damage either to your property or hurting one of your pets, you should report it to local law enforcement and file a formal complaint. Once that has been done, YES, the neighbor is liable for vet bills and any repair to damage of your property caused by his/her animals.

Do I have to notify my neighbor before I take my fence down?

The following are some situations you should consider before removig the fence. If you need to enter their property in order to remove the fence you should notify them when you will be doing the removal. If there is some deed restriction, agreement or condition that requires you to maintain a fence then you will need to obey those terms. If your fence forms part of the fenced in area that encloses dogs or other animals on your neighbor's property it would be prudent for you to give your neighbor adequate notice of the removal so they can make other arrangements to contain and protect their animals. If it forms part of the required fenced in area that provides a child-barrier to your neighbors swimming pool you should provide notice so they may make other arrangements to child-proof the pool. If removing the fence will cause damage to your neighbor's property then you must take the necessary steps to avoid that damage and repair any damage that is done. Otherwise, if it is your fence on your property then you should be within your rights to remove it.

Can your brother as the executor stop someone who is heir from moving in the house?

Yes, the executor has that ability. They are responsible for the property, including who has the use of it. They have to maintain the property and pay taxes and keep it in repair.

What rights do you have if a neighbor's animals keep busting through your fence?

You have the right to request the neighbor to keep their animals contained or repair the fence. If the neighbor does not take action, you can contact your local animal control or file a complaint with the appropriate authorities. Depending on your location, there may be specific laws governing property boundaries and animals that have been violated.

Does homeowners insurance cover damage caused by a repair man?

Not generally. If the repair man is responsible for damage, he is also responsible to repair it.

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clavicle removal of painful hardware

Who is responsible if neighbors tree falls on your car?

Insured natural Acts?Fortunately, no one is held liable for acts of nature. If a tree fell on your house whether from your yard or some other yard due to a natural occurrence you should be covered under you own homeowners policy for the damage. Likewise if your tree fell onto your neighbors house, the damage would be covered by his or her Homeowners insurance. I saw on one of the court shows where that exact thing happened. A tree fell into a neighbor's yard and damaged their fence. The neighbor tried to sue the guy who's tree had fallen. However, the judge said that it was not the guy's fault that mother nature caused the tree to fall. However, if the neighbor had given multiple written notices in advance asking the neighbor to please have the tree chopped down, the she would have had evidence that there was an on-going problem and the guy would have been responsible for damages to her fence.The analysis is somewhat more complex, and involves the issue of negligence. Stated otherwise, if the was known, or should have been known, to be rotten or otherwise subject to collapse, its owner was responsible for attending to it. If it does cause damage due to its weakened condition, the owner's liability insurance should answer for the neighbor's damage. The failure to have attended to the tree when the owner know that it was likely to cause damage is the essence of negligence.If, for some reason, the damaged party's insurer pays for the repair, it can subrogate against the tree owner (and his/her insurer) and attempt to recover its payment. That process is called subrogation.