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That depends on the particular court. You need to inquire at that court.

That depends on the particular court. You need to inquire at that court.

That depends on the particular court. You need to inquire at that court.

That depends on the particular court. You need to inquire at that court.

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That depends on the particular court. You need to inquire at that court.

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Q: When a complaint is made to probate court about executor not forwarding on funds to beneficiary how long dose it take court to make deciesion?
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Can a beneficuary deny appointed executor?

No. Once an executor has been appointed the beneficiary has no power to deny their authority.The beneficiary can file an objection at the time of the filing for the appointment as executor. The court will render a decision after reviewing the objection. If the court decides to appoint the named executor that person will have the legal authority to settle the estate free from the interference of the beneficiary unless they abuse their position. In that case the beneficiary can file a complaint with the court. However, frivolous complaints will not be tolerated.No. Once an executor has been appointed the beneficiary has no power to deny their authority.The beneficiary can file an objection at the time of the filing for the appointment as executor. The court will render a decision after reviewing the objection. If the court decides to appoint the named executor that person will have the legal authority to settle the estate free from the interference of the beneficiary unless they abuse their position. In that case the beneficiary can file a complaint with the court. However, frivolous complaints will not be tolerated.No. Once an executor has been appointed the beneficiary has no power to deny their authority.The beneficiary can file an objection at the time of the filing for the appointment as executor. The court will render a decision after reviewing the objection. If the court decides to appoint the named executor that person will have the legal authority to settle the estate free from the interference of the beneficiary unless they abuse their position. In that case the beneficiary can file a complaint with the court. However, frivolous complaints will not be tolerated.No. Once an executor has been appointed the beneficiary has no power to deny their authority.The beneficiary can file an objection at the time of the filing for the appointment as executor. The court will render a decision after reviewing the objection. If the court decides to appoint the named executor that person will have the legal authority to settle the estate free from the interference of the beneficiary unless they abuse their position. In that case the beneficiary can file a complaint with the court. However, frivolous complaints will not be tolerated.

Can executor also be a beneficiary from will?

Yes. An executor may also be a beneficiary.

Can an executor be beneficiary of a will in CT How can an executor be removed by an heir?

Yes, the executor can be a beneficiary. The court may remove an executor at the request of the beneficiaries.

How do you calculate executors compensation when you are also a beneficiary?

The executor's compensation is set by law. The office of executor is separate from being a beneficiary. Compensation for an executor is not affected by also being a beneficiary.The executor's compensation is set by law. The office of executor is separate from being a beneficiary. Compensation for an executor is not affected by also being a beneficiary.The executor's compensation is set by law. The office of executor is separate from being a beneficiary. Compensation for an executor is not affected by also being a beneficiary.The executor's compensation is set by law. The office of executor is separate from being a beneficiary. Compensation for an executor is not affected by also being a beneficiary.

Does the executor work for the beneficiary?

No, the executor works for the estate. The estate will pay the executor a reasonable fee. The beneficiary has limited direction that they can give the executor.

Can an adult child be an executor and a beneficiary?

An adult child can be the executor. They can also be a beneficiary. They are required to be impartial when distributing the estate.

Can the executor of an estate over ride the wishes of one of the beneficiaries?

Yes. Once an executor has been appointed by the court they have the authority to settle the estate according to the provisions in the will and according to the state probate laws. Every executor has some degree of discretion in settling the estate and they have the final word. If the beneficiary has a bona fide complaint about an executor's decision they can file a motion for the court to render a decision on the matter.Yes. Once an executor has been appointed by the court they have the authority to settle the estate according to the provisions in the will and according to the state probate laws. Every executor has some degree of discretion in settling the estate and they have the final word. If the beneficiary has a bona fide complaint about an executor's decision they can file a motion for the court to render a decision on the matter.Yes. Once an executor has been appointed by the court they have the authority to settle the estate according to the provisions in the will and according to the state probate laws. Every executor has some degree of discretion in settling the estate and they have the final word. If the beneficiary has a bona fide complaint about an executor's decision they can file a motion for the court to render a decision on the matter.Yes. Once an executor has been appointed by the court they have the authority to settle the estate according to the provisions in the will and according to the state probate laws. Every executor has some degree of discretion in settling the estate and they have the final word. If the beneficiary has a bona fide complaint about an executor's decision they can file a motion for the court to render a decision on the matter.

Can my sister as the executor be a beneficiary?

No. Only the court can appoint an executor. You could petition the court to name your sister as co-executor but make certain you provide a good reason to support your request.

Can the beneficiary of a will change the executor after the death of the person who raised the will and is now dead?

The beneficiary has not control over the will. The court will determine who the executor will be.

Is the beneficiary of a deceased person usually the executor?

It is relatively common to for a beneficiary to be executor. They are more likely to get the estate closed quickly.

Can a executor be the sole beneficiary of mothers will in Massachusetts?

As long as the will was properly drafted and is allowed by the court the executor and the beneficiary can be the same person.

If you are the executor and co-beneficiary do you have to get signed documents from the co beneficiary to act?

If you are the sole Executor you do not need signatures from any beneficiaries.