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In my opinion: Motion to modify child support order

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Name of State



V. C S No. _______ This is not legal advice


Motion to XXXXXXX

COMES NOW ; the Plaintiff or Defendant pro se (by yourself) and moves this Honorable Court to XXXXXXXXXX; In support whereof Plaintiff or Defendant states:

1. Reason & what you want and why.

WHEREFORE, petitioner moves this Court to XXXX and XXXXXXX order

Respectfully Submitted

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How can you get your drivers license back now that your paying child support?

It will require an approved motion to the courts to release the freeze of the license.

How do you freeze bank accounts for back child support in Texas?

The State child support agency does this.

Can child support freeze your bank account?

Yes they can.

How do you stop child support if the child dies?

Motion to modify current and future child support. Make request to child support enforcement.

What if child taken out of country and you pay child support?

The obligor continues to owe support regardless of where the child is in this world. But, you should file a motion for interference with custody, as well as a motion to place child support into a trust fund. see link below

What is the motion I need to file to quash my back dated child support?

That's a motion to modify retroactive child support. Most states will not allow it. Of note, Judge David Grey Ross, Commissioner of the Federal Office of Child Support Enforcement opposed the practice of backdating child support. see links

How do you pay less child support if unemployed?

You should file a motion for modification in the court that issued the child support order immediately.

Can child support continue after a child reaches the age of majority if he enrols in college?

not unless it is back have to motion the court to have it stopped

Can you get child support in Florida when parent goes to jail for a felony?

A judge in Florid can award you child support. Getting child support is quite difficult when the person required to pay it has no income.

What is the rules to emanicipate a child from child support?

You need to file a motion with the court to emancipate the minor and modify child support. see link for applicable laws.

Can child support enforcement freeze or take your checking or savings bank account?

Yes they can.

Can child support freeze assets before paternity is proved?

Child support can freeze assets but does not usually do this before paternity is proven. If your assets have been frozen, engage a lawyer who will make sure your funds are released until paternity is proven.