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John F Kennedy was assassinated by getting shot by a gun.

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Q: What world leaders and US Presidents were assassinated while still in public office since 1700?
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How are Turkey's leaders selected?

The presidents are elected by the citizens through a public vote

What happened when the presidents were in the office?

When presidents were in office, they were responsible for overseeing the governance of the country. They made important decisions regarding policy, legislation, and national security. They also held meetings with advisors, congress members, and foreign leaders to discuss and address national and international issues. Additionally, presidents often made public appearances, gave speeches, and interacted with the media to communicate their agenda and connect with the American people.

How was JFK like earlier presidents?

He was raised in Boston like John and John Q. Adams. He also graduated from Harvard as did the Adams and several other presidents. His family was wealthy and had a history of running for public office as was the case of several other presidents .

How many US presidents attended public school?

Many of the U.S. presidents did attend public school. Johnson, Carter, Reagan, Nixon, Clinton, and Eisenhower were some of the presidents that received educations from a public schools.

Presidents usually have the most success in getting Congress to enact their programs during their?

first term in office, when they typically have the most political capital and public support. This is when presidents can leverage their newfound mandate to advance their agenda and rally their party members in Congress. However, there can be exceptions, and some presidents may achieve significant legislative accomplishments in subsequent terms as well.

Which state was the home of four US presidents John Adams John Quincy Adams Calvin Coolidge and John F. Kennedy?

These four presidents all lived in Massachusetts and held public office there. All but Coolidge were born in Mass.

What is the definition of inaugurate?

The word "inauguration" is a formal beginning or introduction. It has come to be synonymous with the legal installation into office of public officials, mainly elected executives such as governors and Presidents.

What does inagural mean?

Inauguration refers to a person being sworn into office. With regard to presidents and other important public offices, a person's term does not begin until they are inaugurated.

What are the unofficial requirements to be president?

Hold a high public office before: Vice-presidents, members of Congress, state governors or top federal executives, army generals.

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Who is the official channel for the DoD for engaing in the news media?

the Public Affair office

Presidents approval ratings when leaving office?

The oval office ^Terrible. They're usually lower than when they were elected. many are below 50% Source: