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It depends on the reason for there running away if theres abuse in the foster home they will be glad that you helped in runaway will be placed in a better home until there 18

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Absolutely nothing. He or she is already an adult. You can only be prosecuted if it is against his or her will, or if the runaway is a minor (below the age of 18).

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Q: What will happen if you help an 18-year-old run away from foster care?
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If I run away will I be put into foster care?

Maybe. Running away is against the law, so the first thing to happen will be you will arrested and taken in by the police. Then, an investigation will start. Foster care is not an answer to your problems unless you are being abused at home. I suggest instead of running away you seek help from a friend or school counselor.

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Linda hopes that her children will be safe and well taken care of if she runs away. She wants them to have a stable and loving environment, whether that means staying with a trusted family member or in foster care.

What was the gender of the children in foster care?

Both boys and girls are in foster care.

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Lots of people have adopted from foster care.

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There is nothing that you can do if your girlfriend is in foster care. She will get out of foster care at 18.

What do child protective services do with the children they take away from their homes?

Those children are placed in temporary foster care.

Are foster parents allowed to throw things away that belong to the child that the birth mother gave to child protective service for the child the foster parents only have temporary care of the child?

They are not allowed to throw away the child's belongings.

What is the definition for foster care?

Foster care is supervised care for delinquent or neglected children usually in an institution or substitute home.

What happens if a child leaves foster care in California at 16?

they gone be placed in foster care

Why are you in foster care?

You are in Foster Care if your parents are uneligable to take care of you. you can also go to foster care if it is court orderd like i was...u can also be sent to foster care if you have drug or alchohol problems like me and my freinds but ive grown out if that stage but foster care is not a bad thing it can help people if you need more help or advice kall me at 575 309 6413

You are now an adult who was raised in foster care how can you find your biological parents?

If you aged out of foster care (weren't adopted) you would need to check with DCF about getting your foster care records.

How old do i need to be to work at a foster care or foster home.?

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