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Nothing, unless you have the gun in a hidden area, mainly in your car. Your house is fine with guns, I have a gun collection of 13 guns and some are in my room and some in my gun closet. Just don't get caught having you gun under the seat of your car when you get pulled over. Have it in the back seat or front seat in plain sight! They might ask some ?'s but nothing can be done. I have guns everywhere but nothing to hide bc I am not trying to rob or do something stupid. Unless I have some retard try to rob me, big mistake, actually I would rather knock em out with bare hands. 6 foot 4 and 235 pounds, I can handle a lil dumb robber. But if it came down to it I would have to bring out my 12 gauge or 30 o 6 rifle. Not a shooter, but love to fight

Come try me lol

The vast majority of handguns require a permit when carried - different permits are required if you openly carry (outside your clothes, easily visible) or conceal the handgun. Some jurisdictions require a permit if you openly carry a rifle or shotgun, though many do not. Some permits require the gun to be unloaded (though, you can carry ammunition), while others allow the gun to loaded. It varies greatly according to the jurisdiction you are in. All firearms can be transported (in the appropriate container, UNLOADED) without any form of permit. Certain powerful weapons (automatic weapons, explosive weapons, etc.) require a federal license to possess in any form - that is, you must get a license before even purchasing the weapon.

Failure to have the proper permit or license is usually at least a misdemeanor, though it can be a low-level a felony, depending on the state and local laws where the infraction occurred.

In most cases, with a clean record and assuming that the gun was not being used for another crime, you can expect minor punishment, probably a suspended sentence or probation, at the worst, plus a modest (couple hundred dollars) fine. I would expect that the original charge against you would be reduced to some B or C misdemeanor via a plea agreement (which, honestly, I would take), with commensurately smaller punishment. Do be aware that this will stay with you permanently on your criminal record, however.

Depending on circumstances, the officer may also elect to not arrest you after running you for a record, and may instead confiscate the weapon. Don't count on this, though.

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There is a good reason to why you need to register your gun. Why aren't you following the law and registering your gun?

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It depends on what you mean by "caught with." If you mean caught in illegal possession of a gun, it depends on what your local laws are.

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Depends on what type of "gun" you are buying. Money, a clean police record and either 18 or 21 years of age are the start

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No. An expungement doesn't clean out your criminal record - it only makes your conviction hidden from the general public.

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Too many variables. If you follow the laws for transporting firearms, you should be fine. If not, you'll be arrested for sure.

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