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The Hammurabi's code is one of the example of the influence of the government. It is a well-preserved set of laws written by Hammurabi, the sixth king of Babylon, a place in the Mesopotamian plains. The 282 listed laws helped the kings to rule his empire, and to protect the people's rights. And so the governments are established.But what about religion? Sumerians believed in Polytheism, a belief of multiple gods. The Sumerians believed that certain gods controlled different things, like their lives, wisdom, love......They believed that diseases, floods......All these evils comes from the gods. The only thing they can do is to please the gods by giving sacrifices. Another important contribution of the Sumerians is that they invented the writing system.First they used pictures to write, then they used symbols for sounds. At that time, only boys are allowed to learn.

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They were polytheism....

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Q: What were the sumerian contributions in government religion and education?
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