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Prior to the first federal copyright act, state law applied. Thus the first protected book in this country was A Journal of Captain Cook's Last Voyage to the Pacific Ocean by John Ledyard, registered in Connecticut in 1783.

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The first modern copyright law was the Statute of Anne, in England in 1709. Prior to that, a "copy right" was a printing monopoly used generally for censorship.

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Q: What was the first US copyright?
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What Novel and year the US used copyright?

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In the US, 1790.

When and where the copyright sign C was used for the first time?

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Under US copyright law, a copyright cannot be renewed after it expires. For works of US authors published in the US prior to 1963, copyright renewal had to be filed after 28 years.

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The first copyright law went into effect in 1710.

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Copyright fees in the US range from $30 USD to $220 USD.

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The first copyright law went into effect in 1710.

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Deposit of the work in a designated repository has been required since the first US copyright act, in 1790.