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Originally, it was just called the Rebellion, and then The War Between the States.
The official name of the conflict in the United States from 1861 to 1865 in the US Military and National Archive records is "The War of the Rebellion"

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Originally, it was just called the Rebellion, and then The War Between the States.

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Q: What was the Civil War officially called?
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Officially the Civil War was called the War of ...?

The war of rebellion. Remember, "Rebels."

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Only by administrative functions; like the American Civil War (also known as the US Civil War, but officially called the "War of Rebellion") fought from 1861-1865, neither the American Civil War nor Vietnam War were declared wars.

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What officially start the civil war?

the war was officially started because the north and south were fighting to settle if they could own slaves or not

What war was fought in 1860?

1861, the un-declared US Civil War, officially called the "War of the Rebellion", and also known as the "War between the states."

Start date civil war?

The American Civil War officially began on April 12, 1861. It would last for over four years, ending officially on May 9, 1865.

When did the Civil War divide the country?

The Civil War officially began April 12, 1861, the day of the attack on Fort Sumter.

What state was not officially a stat the the beginning of the civil war?

West Virginia

Which state was not officially a state at the beginning of the the civil war?

West Virginia

What was the name of the battle that officially started the civil war?

Ft. Sumter

Where did the confederacy officially surrender from the civil war?

Appomattox Court House

Did the civil war last from april 1861 to 1865?

The civil War lasted officially from Apr. 12,1861 through April 9 1865.