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Some of the problems in the constitutional convention in 1787 was that of the 74 delegates chosen to attend this, only 55 were present. During the four months that they were there, they had to deal with problems such as the press, weather, and issues. By meeting with each other in order to create a new type of government, these people were basically trying to overthrow the government, which was the Articles of Confederation at that time. They had to keep it a secret even though each state knew that they were there in order to do so, legally, the states did not know if it could be done. They had to make an oath of secrecy. In order to keep things out of the press, they had to have 2 guards at each entrance. Their secrecy only made the press more curious. In the history of Philadelphia, that summer was the hottest summer. The average temperature was 98 degrees. These men were wearing wool and wigs. In between themselves, they also had friction. On some issues, such as representation based upon population, they were divided.

These people did it for free but were rewarded with their names written down in history.

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10y ago

The 55 delegates that attended the Constitutional Convention were a distinguished body of people who representedÊa broad spectrum of American leadership. ÊCharacteristics not shared by the delegates of the Constitutional Convention is that they were not female, they were not uneducated, andÊthey were not unemployed.Ê

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getting highh ahaaa na wht im sayin !

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Q: What was not one of the problems faced by the delegates at the Constitutional convention of 1787?
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What was one of the problems faced by the delegates at the Constitutional convention of 1787?

getting highh ahaaa na wht im sayin !

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The weather during the Constitutional Convention, which took place from May to September 1787 in Philadelphia, was reportedly very hot and humid. This uncomfortable climate likely contributed to the challenges faced by delegates as they worked on drafting the United States Constitution.

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The nation faced serious economic and political problems. 100% sure of this answer

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