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The legislative branch is created by Article One.

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powers and limits of the legeslative branch

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Article I addresses the Legislative branch (Congress)

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The executive branch!

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Q: What was created in article 1 of the constitution?
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What Article in the Constitution created the legislative branch?

Article 1 of the United States Constitution sets up the legislative branch of the government, which is the United States Congress. It is a bicameral legislature made up of the House of Representatives and the Senate.

Article 1 of the constitution created the voice of the people in what?

Article One of the United States Constitution created the voice of the people in the House of Representatives. This article also created the United States Senate.

Under which article of the Constitution is Congress created?

Congress is created under the First Article of the Constitution, which is designated to provide the guidelines for the Legislature.

Which article of the US Constitution deals with the legislative branch of government?

A:article one or articles l

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Article III

This article of the Constitution gives the legislature its powers?

Article 1 of the constitution defines the legislative branch.

How was the position of the speaker in the house created?

Article 1, section 2, of the US Constitution, establishes this office.

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That would be article 1

Article in the Constitution that sets up the Legislature?

Article 1

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Article III of the constitution.

Why is article 1 the longest article of the constitution?

Article 1 is the longest article of the Constitution because it is the most important. This is what the U.S. government is a lot about: the Congress. The Congress has nearly all powers and to list them all, Article 1 has to quite long.

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