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In the US the legislative branch of government is the US Congress. The Congress is divided into two organizations. The House of Representatives are persons who run for election every two years and are elected by a congressional district within their home states. States with large populations have many Representatives. The Senate is the other body of Congress. There each state has two senators no matter what size th population of the state has. The way this organization helps all the US people is by making sure that the heavily populated states cannot dominate the congress, because the senate provides 2 senators per state, making each state equal for that branch of the congress.

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Q: What was based on the idea of a two house congress?
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How did the framers come up with the idea of a congress made of two house?

The Great Compromise

Is the House of Representatives the same thing as Congress?

There are two parts to the Congress, you have the House of Representatives, which is based on the population of the state and then you have the Senate, in which each state has two members regardless of population.

What is a 2 house congress called?

congress is doubly housed which means two house

Congress is divided into two houses?

Yes, Congress is divided into two houses: the House of Representatives and the Senate. Members of the House are elected based on population, while each state has two Senators. Both houses work together to make and pass laws for the United States.

What is congres?

Congress is made of two bodies of the legislative branch. They are the Senate and the House of Representatives. The Senate has two senators from each state and the House is based on the population of a state. Together they are called "Congress." Congress works and passes laws that are sent to the president for veto or signing.

Why were there two houses needed in congress?

The Great Comprise called Congress to have two houses. This compromise was made up of the Virginia Plan (large states) and the New Jersey Plan (small states). The Virginia Plan called for a bicameral house (two house) that is based on population. And the New Jersey Plan called for a unicameral house (one house) that would be based on equality. The Congress decided to have two houses. One would be based on the population of the state, and one would be based on equality. The houses are called the House of Representatives and the House of the Senate. Each house have different jobs and responsibilities.

How do the two house of congress balance the interests of large and small states?

House seats are based on population. But each state, regardless of size, has two Senate seats.

Congress is referred to as a bicameral body because it has?

Congress is referred to as a bicameral body due to the fact that is it made up of two parts. There is the House and the Senate.

What is congress composed of?

Congress is composed of two houses: The House of Representatives, and the Senate

How does each part of congress base its membership?

The two parts of Congress are the Senate and the House of Representatives. Each state has two Senators and the Representatives are based on the number of people in each state.

What delegate proposed that representation in congress be split into two houses?

Edmund Randolph of Virginia first proposed the idea of a bicameral Congress, or two-house system; during his time, it was called The Connecticut Compromise.

What is the dual nature of Congress?

This refers to the idea that although the two parts of Congress the House and the Senate are elected to serve their districts and states, they also have the responsibilities to work together as "Congress" and serve the country as a whole.