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No, he was the leader of the Anti-Federalists and believed that States should have more rights then the Federal government. He strong felt that our nation was too large and diverse to be governed a single government. State governments would ensure more fairness and more representation of the people.

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Q: What was Jefferson's philosophy regarding the power and size of the federal government?
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What was Thomas Jeffersons view of the federal government and its responsibilities?

Thomas Jefferson believed in state rights. he thought that a large federal government threatened liberty and that vigilant states could best protect freedom.

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What effect did Herbert Hoover's philosophy of government have on the federal response to the economic crisis?

His belief that the federal government could not give direct aid to individuals left millions without help.

What effect did Herbert hoover's philosophy of government have on the federal response to the economic criscrisis?

His belief that the federal government could not give direct aid to individuals left millions without help.

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This action of completing and sending income taxes to the federal government by April 15 is more closely related to political philosophy, as it involves concepts of government authority, taxation, and civic duty.

What was Jeffersons first priority as a president?

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