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Q: What type of headlights are not legal in the United States?
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What are the top legal jobs in the United States?

The top legal job in the United States is to be a justice of the Supreme Court of the United States. Judges of any type though qualify for a top legal job title.

How long does it take for an illegal immigrant living in Mexico to become legal in the United States after married to a U S citizen?

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The United States is a Representative Democracy.

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it has a good relationship with the United States it has a good relationship with the United States it has a good relationship with the United States

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The most common type of injury in the United States is a sprain.

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People In the United States live in a Stratified Society

What is the most common injury in the United States?

The most common type of injury in the United States is a sprain.

What type of government failed and was replaced?

The United States was originally founded as a Confederation, under the Articles of Confederation.The Confederation granted ultimate sovereignty to the states, whereas the federal government was very weak, leading the states into constant turmoil and, occasionally, war.Realizing the problem, Congress, which at this time was the only government entity, abolished the Articles of Confederation and created the United States Constitution.The United States Constitution establishes the United States as a Federal Republic and is still the legal document of today.

Are felons citizens of the united states?

depending on what type o felon they are they are still citizens. If the person has committed a felony in which the court states that they ar eno longer a citizen they must renew their citizenship in the United States. If not they are considered an slien and its possible they can be kicked out and never come back unless they become a legal citizen again.

What is hourly wage for legal secretary?

The hourly wage for a legal secretary can vary depending on factors such as location, experience, and type of law firm. On average, legal secretaries in the United States earn between $15 to $30 per hour.