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The Congress passes a bill, not a law. The bill goes to the President. If the President signs the bill, it becomes a law. If he refuses to sign the bill, it is called a veto and the bill is not made law and is sent back.

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13y ago

Before a law is a law, it is a legislative bill. Once a legislative bill passes both houses of a legislature, the executive branch (i.e., the governor) either signs the bill or vetoes it. If the governor signs the bill, the bill will amend (or create) a statute, and it will become "law."

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The executive branch, which includes the president, vice president, and the Cabinet,enforces (carries out) the laws.

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The executive branch is related to the other branches because the executive branch passes the laws that the other branches have to follow. The executive branch also appoints members of the other branches.

Does the executive branch pass laws?

No, the executive branch does not pass laws, it executes, enforces the laws the legislative branch creates and passes. The executive branch of the government is responsible for the administrative side of government. It supervises and makes sure other departments are operating properly.

Who makes and inforces laws?

The Exectutive Branch makes and enforce the law. The Legislative Branch passes laws but the Executive Branch enforces the laws. The Judicial Branch interprets laws.

What branch is responsible for putting laws into effect?

There are 3 of branches of government:legislative branch - which is responsible for proposing and passing the lawsexecutive branch - includes the president and the the departments that help run the governmentjudicial branch - interprets the laws,punishing criminals,and settling disputes between states

Which branch creates and passes legislation?

The Legislative Branch passes the laws, even sometimes when they have never been read. The Congress, or in other terms, the House of Representatives and the Senate determine what the laws are for the U.S.

Why do police officers makes laws?

they dontAdded: The police are part of the Executive Branch of government and have no part in passing laws. Law are enacted by the Legislative Branch of government and then it becomes the duty of the Executive Branch to carry them out.

What is the power of a the Legislative branch of government to vote a bill into law even though it has been vetoed by the head of the Executive branch?

If the Legislative branch passes a bill, but it gets vetoed by the Executive branch, the Legislative can, with a 2/3 majority vote, override the veto and force it into law.

What branch is checked when vetoing bills?

The legislative branch's power is being checked when the executive vetoes bills. The veto can be overridden by a two-thirds vote in both houses.