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Usually during the divorce you will have the choice who you wish to stay with. And you would choose your grandparents. If it's approved.

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Q: What to do when your parents are split and you want to live with your grandparents?
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How old do you have to be to live with your grandparents and your parents have no say?

you can live with them for as long as you want although it would be weird. i moved out when i was 25

When you turn 18 in CA do your parents have the right to stop you from moving to your grandparents house?

Once you are 18 years old, you are a legal adult, you have the right to live where you choose, and with whom you choose. What is the reason your parents do not want you to live with your grandparents?

In Illinois is it possible for someone to get emancipated from their parents to go and live with their grandparents?

Yes. You have to apply for emancipation, then after you've been granted - you can live with anyone you want.

Can children choose to live with their grandparents at a certain age in TN?

No, as a minor you are not allowed to choose who to live with. That is up to the parents.

How do you get your parents to let you live with your grandparents when your 16 if they are moving away and you don't want to go?

You can have an open and honest conversation with your parents about your desire to live with your grandparents. Explain your reasons respectfully and listen to their concerns. If they agree, you may need to involve legal processes like getting consent or guardianship arrangements.

How do you move somwhere you want to live but your parents dont want to.?

If your parents donÕt want you to live somewhere and you are under 18 you need to listen to your parents. If you are over 18 explain to your parents why you want to live there, listen to why they donÕt want you to live there and as adult make a responsible decision.

If your 16 and your parents want to move could you move in with your grandparents if you don't want to leave your pregnant girlfriend without the law getting ivolved?

You should talk to you parents if they don't no she is prego. then tell them wat u want to do and if they don't agree with your options you can take them to family to your grandparents too...

How do you tell your parents you dont want to live with them and live with your friends?

Turn 18 or legally file for emancipationTell your parents you don't want to live with them, and that you want to live with your friends

If one of your parents was adopted can you find out who your biological grandparents are without the knowledge or consent of your parent?

With limited information it is possible to locate biological parents/grandparents via the internet at such sights as Look for reunion registries through which you can find biological parents if they want to be found.

What are the rights of a 17 yr old father if the girls parents want to give it up for adoption?

The grandparents have no right to the child, only the parents can decide about adoption. If she does not want custody the father can get it.

What are the responsibilities of the grandparents?

They basically have almost none, they encourage the parents, take care of the kids sometimes when the parents go on a date or want to be alone, stuff that that

How old do you have to be to say where you want to live?

Children that can speak for themselves have a lot of say in the courts as to where they want to live. It's best to sit down with both your parents and express your feelings and tell them why you want to either live with your father or your mother. Don't forget ... they are your parents, so you are going to hurt one of them by doing so, but it's important you live with who you feel the most comfortable with. Also, if you don't want to live with either parent you don't have to live with either one of them if it goes to court and if your grandparents were willing to look after you that can be taken into consideration in the courts. Marcy