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Sue your emloyer.

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Q: What to do when employer won't pay due to leaving?
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What do you do if your x employer wont pay you?

sue them

Does an employer have to pay an employee for time off of work due to jury duty in Indiana?

yes an employer has to pay the employee for jury duty and can not fire or discipline the employee in any way for time lost due to jury duty

Does an employer have to pay an employee for time off of work due to injury at work in California?

to the best of my knowledge

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Should your employer pay you due to construction going on during working hours?

If you are a construction worker, then yes. Otherwise, no.

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What compensation is due to terminated employee?

His or her pay for all hours worked. If the employer offers paid leave, the employer policy will say whether unused leave gets paid at separation.

Does employer have to notify employee they have been terminated while out on Texas workers comp?

An employer has a duty to inform the employee of an changes to the employment terms. If an employer is out on workers' compensation, and they are terminated, the employer has a duty to communicate that information to the employee and pay that employee any money they have due to them.

Does an employer have to pay an employee for time off of work due to injury at work in Iowa?

An employer has to pay for all hours worked. Other than that, it needs to follow its own policies about paid time off. Workers comp laws do not require the EMPLOYER to pay - they require INSURANCE to pay lost time benefits.

How long does an employer have to pay you after being fired in Georgia?

If the employer has been fired, presumably he or she does not have to pay you at all, as he or she is no longer your employer. The employer who replaces the fired one is responsible for paying you.

As an employer how much do I deduct for medicare from my employees wages?

You deduct 7.65 of what are FICA wages...a somewhat different than just what you pay...and you pay over 15.30%, since the employer pays half of the amount due. Get help, now....this is nothing to mess around with

Can an employer pay less than 48.5 cents per mile?

An employer is not required to pay anything.